It was a big weekend at the box office with The Dark Knight raking in a $158 million dollar start. Along with the rest of North America, I was there as well, sitting in the third row of a totally packed theatre. Surely you’ve read the dozens of reviews, and heard about it from many of your friends. Heath Ledger as the Joker lives up to everything I’ve read so far. He was absolutely brilliant. I’m not a huge fan of Christian Bale as the Batman, and even less so after reading about his crazy temper. He is a fine actor, but the Batman voice gets so annoying that by the end of the movie I just wanted him to stop talking!
So this weekend the only new release at the theatres is The X-Files: I Want to Believe. I think I will pass on this one for now, as the opening weekend of such movies is generally attended by REAL fans, and I would prefer to go later and sit with other people who didn’t watch the show religiously in the ’90s.
I know, I know, no theatre trip for me this weekend? Probably not. I have a few movies to catch up on on the DVR, namely Becoming Jane, as my obsession with James McAvoy continues. There are a few good DVDs at the video store (is it even called the video store anymore?), a few of the ones I would recommend are 21, the true story of an MIT student who’s teacher coaches him into counting cards and scamming Las Vegas’ biggest casinos, and The Bank Job, a fabulous British movie about a group of
misfits who break into a London Bank. It stars another of my celeb crushes, Jason Statham. I know, you’re figuring me out. First McAvoy, now Statham, it’s all about the accents for me!
Please leave me a comment and let me know…What are you watching this weekend?
We saw Journey to the Centre of the Earth and it was hugely entertaining in 3D. Also not too scary for our 5 year old daughter, so go see it if you get the chance.
I’d totally go see X-Files if I could get a sitter, but actually, if I could get a sitter I’d rather see Mama Mia (’cause twice on stage wasn’t enough!)
As for video store pics, I’m DYING to see Harold & Kumar 2: Escape from Guantanamo Bay. Honestly, the first H&K movie was HILARIOUS.
Looks like I’ll be busy with movies over the next few weeks!
May I just re-iterate my love of the movie Stardust!! We watched it over the weekend (yes…I watched a WHOLE movie), since hubby hadn’t seen it yet, & honestly it is just as delightful as I remember it from last summer!! Charlie Cox is just adorable. It’s really too bad that the hubby vetoed the name Charlie for our 2nd born. He was having nothing of Charles!! Too royal I guess!!
we watched vantage point and it wasn’t very good. bank job is for tonight – I’lllet you know!
I may, just may, get out for some alone time & be one of those crazy people to go to see X-Files. I’ll definitely let you know if I do.
I need to finish watching Becoming Jane as well. Warning, so far there has been a McAvoy bum shot, so hold onto your hat!!
I too love Jason Stathom. “Handsome Rob” from The Italian Job. The poor guy doesn’t even have a name in our house. Whenever we see him it’s just “hey there’s handsome Rob!”