Or at least just participate in all of the other activities if you miss your train and don’t get to walk with the other thousands of participants…
We got up early. Got our team t-shirts on and headed out.
We got on the train and Cuyler was in awe. He’d been waiting to ride a train for way longer than he should have.
We made it downtown and were ready to take part in the 6th Annual Walk Now For Autism walk. We got there late and the walk had started without us. We were going to walk the route behind everybody, but trying to pry the kids away from all the fantastic things to do there proved impossible.
Being there showed us just how far he’s come. A few years ago he would never have been able to manage in this:

And this would have sent him running, screaming in terror a few years ago:
(contrary to what DIY’s Will thought – this is NOT Elmo)
It was an emotional day for both Sean and I.
Personally I felt the greatest impact looking at all the parents – knowing that they had been through so many of the same things we had. They’d noticed that something wasn’t quite right, but hoped that their child would “catch up”.
They’d sat in that dr’s office receiving the diagnosis.
I wondered “Did they sob like I did?” “Did they have the great support I had?”
Seeing all the teams together…knowing that each team was there for 1 child, but really – they were there for all of our special children.
It was a safe place for Cuyler. Somehow he felt it. All of the things that generally give him anxiety did not. He was comfortable and he had SO much fun and he could walk up to people and abruptly ask their name, and stand too close to people, and sniff their shirts and he wasn’t odd, or quirky or weird. He was like everybody else.
And the icing on my cake was that I got to spend some more time with my new friend Sara. You know her from DYI. (If you don’t – go check her out!) We were roomies at Blue Mountain last weekend. This time our kids got to meet!

Will and Eva were ready to crash.
The icing on Cuyler’s cake was that he got to sit in the drivers seat of the train. Being charming sure has it’s privileges.
What a fabulous post. I’m so glad Cuyler had such a fabulous day. Looks like it was a great event! I too can hear you speak now in your blogs – and your voice and stories are beautiful. xo
You take such great photos. Did you know that?
Sounds like an awesome day.
Weeping! I loved this post – what an amazign way to capture the day. I’m so happy that you guys came and enjoyed it as much as I always do! And LOVE that Cuy got to drive the train. Oh and the way you write about your family – IS your family….so happy to have met them in person!
Christine, I’m so happy you all had a wonderful day. I almost felt as though I was there. I can always FEEL what you are saying. Thank you for doing what you do for Cuyler & Lily & all the rest.