This weekend I was given the opportunity to go away with urbanmoms (and a dad!).
As soon as I got the email I jumped on it.
Which surprised even myself – I’d be going to Blue Mountain with a group of people that I had never met before.
But then I realized that they weren’t complete strangers to me. I’d been reading about their lives on their blogs for months…so in a way – I knew them.
But then I realized that they weren’t complete strangers to me. I’d been reading about their lives on their blogs for months…so in a way – I knew them.
I thought it might be awkward meeting everybody for the first time but with each new hand I shook I was greeted with a big smile and a “It’s great to meet you!”
We each had a set schedule so we checked in at The Westin Trillium House, Blue Mountain and went up to our rooms to prepare for the day.
I found my room. Opened the door and OH MY Gahhhhhh….it was gorgeous.
My son asked whose house it was when I showed him the pictures.
My son asked whose house it was when I showed him the pictures.
And they don’t call these Heavenly Beds for nothing. To me it’s a heavenly bed when there are no children jumping into it and waking me up far too early in the morning. But this was seriously comfortable. Seriously.
I shared a suite with DIY’s Sara. I walked in and thought I’d give her the room with the ensuite bathroom. I went into my room and saw that they each had a gorgeous ensuite bathroom. Bonus!
First on our itinerary was Le Scandinave.
Flying Solo’s Nancy, Mom Inc’s Leigh and DYI’s Sara and I headed over and were met with this:
(Flying Solo’s Nancy)
We were to be very quiet where ever we went at the spa. One of the steam rooms had a sign that read “Absolute Silence”
This proved difficult for 4 women who had never met but had several things in common and we all wanted to learn more about each other. But this way we were really able to appreciate the spa. The hot baths, the plunge pools, the steam rooms…it was amazing. I ended my morning there sitting beside an outdoor fire pit enjoying a whispered chat with a new friend surrounded by nature. We all felt cleansed and refreshed afterwards.
(Nancy, Leigh, Sara)
We then headed over to 3 Guys and a Stove where we were able to sit down with everybody, have a great meal and get to know them a little more.
After we freshened up we headed to Twist Martini & Wine Lounge for a few cocktails. Or in my case mocktails.

We were then on our way to Copper Blues Bar and Grill for an amazing dinner. We spent a few hours there chatting, laughing and becoming real friends.
After a great night I was ready to throw on my jammies and hop into that Heavenly Bed for a sound, solid sleep. Something that often eludes me at home.
Along with all the great food and activities we were able to indulge in, it was so nice to be able to connect with my fellow bloggers.
We could talk about our kids without being interrupted by them.
We could shop for our kids without being nagged by them.
We could shower without being disturbed by them.
We could sleep without being woken up by them.
I could escape swimming lessons, hockey games, 3 year old temper tantrums and autism.
By Sunday morning I was itching to see them again.
And 10 minutes after I got home, I had already switched the laundry over, threw in a dirty load and tidied the toy room.
And I was ready to leave again…
Ahhh…back to reality.
Admit it! You were happy about the separate rooms so you wouldn’t hear me …umm…toot in my sleep!
I love the ‘whose house is this’ line.
So awesome to meet you in person – and it wasn’t like online dating, you were exactly what you appeared to be on line!
What a great post Christine. I had so much fun spending the day with you! I wish it could have been longer. You have a great blog and you are super talented! Keep up the great work. Looking forward to connecting with you again soon.
Hey you should join:
so that I can invite you to upcoming events. We should do a blogging theme.
great post!! I have a few identical photos. Too funny.
It was really great to meet you. Hope we have another UrbanBlogFest in the future.
“not so supermom”