Yesterday my facebook status said “LOVE where I live!”
And I do. I really do.
I’ve posted pics of the ravine behind our house where we go on adventures in the summer (Cam thought Shrek lived there when he was little) and where we skate in the winter.

My kids go to a small school with about 270 kids. In the back of the school is a huge playground with a baseball diamond, soccer field and a huge creative play structure. Not to mention a gigantic blacktop area. It’s so unlike any of the new school playgrounds they build now.
On top of having such a great recess area, we are so fortunate to be surrounded by the town fairgrounds. This is directly beside our school and we spent the afternoon there yesterday tobogganing and skating on one of the outdoor rinks the town builds and maintains on the baseball diamonds. I love it at night with the floodlights.
It’s where the fall fair takes place, the highland games and the May long weekend fair and fireworks festival.

Right across the street is the hospital where all 3 of my babies were born.
I love where I live. I love that we can spend a fun filled day out in the sun and snow and it’s a quick walk around the corner from where we live.
I love seeing kids walking down the street with their hockey sticks and skates slung over one shoulder and a shovel over the other shoulder.
I love that there were friends and neighbours coming and going.
I love that every stranger had a smile and a “Hi there!”.
I love that every stranger had a smile and a “Hi there!”.
And I love that everyone one of us agreed that we had the best day ever.
I also love that once our toes were frozen numb, it only took us 2 minutes to get home!
wonderful to love where you live and how you live. This is making a life. I love the village mentality and strive to create it in the city. You have made and deserve your good fortune, Christine! xn
No Amreen, I never did watch that show but now I want to!
Oh God do they really look like pyjama pants???
They’re snowboard pants :/
….and I love that you’re wearing pajama bottoms skating….
I’m moving to your town….
Your town sounds lovely. And good for you for embracing all that it has to offer. Your description kind of reminds me of the town on that show, The Gilmore Girls – did you ever watch that??
Do we live in the same town? Just kidding. I like where we live too. So close to school and ravine for adventures and exploring. Need to get with the program on the skating thing though.
Off to Waste Wise, tomorrow I think to buy skates. Oh also in our town. 😉