We have been on summer holidays for 5 weeks now.
Summer is half over and for the most part it’s been fantastic. And we haven’t even had Sean home for holidays yet. He took a week off when we moved and he’ll take another week off in August. That week we’ll cram in a slew of day trips. That’s when it really feels like summer. Packing up the van and heading out early for a funfilled day of complaining and spending too much money on food and stupid souvenirs. Let’s just hope the heat keeps up!!!
So far we have swam, swam and swam some more. Which has been great – last year Cuyler wouldn’t go near the water. Now we can’t keep him out.

Ahem…we may or may not have taken advantage of all these beautiful salt water pools and doubled them as baths for the kids as well…I must admit baths and showers for my kids are not as frequent with all the swimming when in fact I think we should be bathing them more often…bad mommy. Happy kids.
We have spent time with my sister and her family from BC. Her little girl is 6 days older than Eva (yes – Marley is that much bigger than Eva). I love seeing them together and I wish we could see them more often.
We celebrated my birthday and had my entire family there for it – my parents, my sisters and their families. We finally got a nice family picture.
We goofed around alot.
For instance, yesterday we had a jumping contest. Who could jump the highest and who could take the best action shot.
We’ve been to the movies.
To parks, to splash pads, on play dates, to barbeques, on bike rides and hikes…
To parks, to splash pads, on play dates, to barbeques, on bike rides and hikes…
So far – so great!
We’re gearing up for 2 weeks of day camp for the boys.
I am a little tiny bit apprehensive. We have never put Cuyler into a program like this before. I could not have imagined it last year but I know the support worker that’s going to be with him is very competent and will take good care of my boy. Plus Cam is in the same camp and I feel better knowing he’ll have an extra eye on him as well.
I have a feeling the second half of summer will be even better than the first.
it has been a greatttttttt summer christine. the kids swimming lessons, the kids camps. the vancouver clan being here with us, great weather.cuyler has been greattttttttttttt. life is good. lets enjoy the rest of the summer in the same way.
love you all dad……….hugs n kisse all roundoxoxoxoxx
What a wonderful summer- nothing complicated just good clean fun! I love it. You won’t ever forget it Christine!