My baby boy turned 8 on Saturday.
I have spent each of his previous birthdays reflecting on how much we have been through since his terrifying birth until the present.
I reflect on how his challenges have changed me as a whole person. I think about the progress he’s made in the last year and the things I’d like to see for the future. Most of my reflecting is based around the autism – the good and the bad.
But not this year.
This year I was able to celebrate his birthday the way I had always wanted to. Without autism surrounding my thoughts and Cuyler enjoying his birthday surrounded by children. A few weeks ago I was worried that might not happen.
This year I was able to celebrate his birthday the way I had always wanted to. Without autism surrounding my thoughts and Cuyler enjoying his birthday surrounded by children. A few weeks ago I was worried that might not happen.
But my worries were completely unfounded.
And they made his day a spectacular event that he had not experienced before. I feel so blessed that he has this special circle of friends that genuinely like him and enjoy his company. When I see them with him at school – I know that they take care of him.

I thought this was going to be a long, emotional post about what a wonderful experience it was for all of us to see him with his peers having an amazing birthday. But it won’t be.
I’ll let this last pic sum up the way we were all feeling.
Pure joy.
Happy Birthday beautiful boy!
**I MUST thank my friend Melissa for making the AMAZING BuzzLightyear cake and coaches Jenn and Patricia for giving so much of themselves to my kids – especially Cuyler!**
just read the terrifying birth story and found it all the most gorgeous thing (I must have missed it in the summer) – he really chose the right mom and this party sounds like it was the perfect celebration. happy birthday perfect little man.
Welling up here. What a wonderful day for Cuyler, his friends, and his mom!
AWESOME! SO happy for Cuy!
Awesome! How fantastic for everyone, Cuy especially.
I’m teary eyed reading and looking at the beautiful pics and posts. What a great moment to share. I look forward to a children’s birthday party for my son Sean. You have inspired me!
The kids look like they were having so much fun, especially Cuyler! Awesome work Christine.
weeping tears of joy and wishing we had skipped Will’s nap and come! His face – omg – so happy – what a great day for all of you. You deserve it!!!
Yay! The pictures say it all Christine. I’m so glad that he had a wonderful birthday!
Happy Birthday beautiful Cuyler, and a huge big hug to you Christine, for making it possible for all of you to have a big boys birthday party.
You’ve come a long way, which just makes where you are headed seem all that much cooler!