Saturday was a great day.
I didn’t even care that the forecast called for heavy rain and possible thunderstorms.
We walked down to the local farmers market first thing in the morning.
Sean went ahead of us in the van in case the rain started early.
When my mom, sister and I got there I saw Sean excitedly waving me over.
“Check it out!” he said.
Cut to 5 minutes later – Cuyler CLIMBED the rock wall
That’s my boy. On the right, at the top of the rock wall. There is a button you push at the top and a siren sounds. Cuyler enjoyed pushing it several times before floating down, proclaiming “I’m flying! Look at me – I’m flying!”
We have always expected that Cuyler can and will do everything that everyone else can do. Just maybe not at the same time.
He wanted to climb the wall, so we assumed that he would.
And he did.
Just like when he is ready to ride a bike. He’ll do it when he wants to.
We have never lowered our expectations of him. We may have changed them for him in some instances, but never thought that he couldn’t do something that he wanted to.
If we expect nothing of him, he will do nothing. If we expect that he can’t do something – he won’t.
If we have high expectations for him – he will do great things and have great adventures.
He will feel competent and be successful.
Like when he reached the top of a rock wall.
After the rock wall, we went into the local children’s bookstore for storytime and a craft. The kids really enjoyed the stories and they all made a cool craft.
I felt like a “normal mom” with “normal kids” doing “normal things”. It was lovely.
In the afternoon, on a whim Sean decided to take Cuyler to the movies. Just the 2 of them. Daddy and Cuy time. He would send me pics of their adventure throughout the afternoon. It was Cuyler’s first time at the movies!
He’s been obsessed with Toy Story for a while now, so it was the right time to take him since his interest is there.
He’s been obsessed with Toy Story for a while now, so it was the right time to take him since his interest is there.
He loved it. And asked if I could take him to see Despicable Me on Wednesday.
It was one of those days that made me feel like “everything’s going to be ok…”
It was one of those days that made me feel like “everything’s going to be ok…”
Oh and also. Umm. WTF is wrong with my boys in this photo??? Should I submit it to Awkward Family Photo’s?
All I wanted was a pic of me and my babes on my birthday. And I got this:

All I wanted was a pic of me and my babes on my birthday. And I got this:

Christine, I love your philosophy for your children. It will take them great places!
And the photo…priceless…we all have a few of those, don’t we. At least it isn’t you looking awkward, right?
Yaaaay!! Christine! That’s just Awesome, Cuyler climbed the rock wall!! He’s on top of the world. In fact having parents like you, would make any child feel on top of the world. It’s so wonderful to see how much you believe in your child and that is extremely important. Having expectations and wanting your child to achieve, setting goals for him, giving him the tools and then letting him go at it, is the key. Anything is possible and I admire you for that. The fact that you try things with him and put things in front of him to do, allowing him to choose what he wants. Just as you said that he’ll ride a bike when he wants, it’s all a matter of time and most importantly, your support, dedication, committment, and love, will take Cuyler far and beyond our imaginations. The sky is the limit my friend! God Bless your Family! Love you lots!