…but they don’t fall down!
Remember that commercial? Well, that’s a little like how I feel when I go for my daily (or twice daily, if I’m really, really lucky) "wobble" on the Proellixe machines at Sublime Healing. I can’t explain exactly what the feeling is like, or why it feels so darn good. I guess the nearest I can come is to say is that it must be similar to babies being jostled in the arms of an adult…that head-to-toe wobble just makes you feel – NICE.
Check out this video of a woman using a similar Whole Body Vibration machine, the VibraSlim:
And then go see the promotional video for the brand I use, Proellixe. Really, you do want to click the link. It’s so darn entertaining!
Oh and, in case you were wondering, that’s NOT me in the video.
I’m much better looking!
big *WINK*
Very cool. How is it going for you? Have you noticed any changes?