What is it about Wednesday’s and my need to WTF on this day all of a sudden! I did it last week and I’m about to do it again.
Okay here’s the situation (feel free to rap the rest of Will Smith’s Parents Just Don’t Understand now…like I did). My friend Tanya offered to drop off some stuff for Will that she had rescued from her basement. She left a bag on my front porch and then the stuff that I told her I wasn’t interested in, she put on my curb – up for grabs! She did this last night at 5pm. When I got home at 5:30 – I went to the porch and there was nothing there. (Oh and let me add, I left the front door unlocked by accident). Gone…someone had taken the bag and the curb stuff.
This morning, I went to take out the garbage and realized that I had left the garage door wide open ALL NIGHT. People, remember, I don’t live in the nicest area of town. Case in point – last night, I watched a woman in the front passenger seat of a car, with a toddler on her lap, stop and buy drugs from one of my neighbours who hangs out on the stoop. And who can forget the almost Easter hanging or the woman who drove into the neighbouring house. You get the picture.
Well, I figured I was screwed. My golf clubs, stroller, camping equipment…oh my purse in the unlocked car? Not to mention, the unlocked door leading into my house where the car keys sat on the floor next to the door. Yes, lecture me now. So what was gone? NOTHING!
WTF?!?!?! So someone pilfers a bag of toys off my porch in the middle of the day, but in a dark alley, in the middle of the night…my Great Big Bertha’s sit untouched?!?!
Hmmm…maybe everyone was too baked by 3am to be bothered taking anything or they figured it was a trap??
(and yes…I’m well aware the biggest WTF of all is why I can’t remember to shut and lock my doors – especially because I need to protect this dude…who this morning said “I love mommy”…this may even make me not lose it if my bike is gone…because as I type this…I’m having a sinking feeling….)
Sara, can you hear John screaming at you from 250 miles away?
Geeez Sara. WTF?!?!
Oh well. Let this be a lesson to you missy —> lock your effing doors.
At least the stuff that was taken wasn’t yours (sorry Sara’s friend).