Karma. We often talk about it, but what does it really mean? In its most basic definition, karma is the cumulative effects of a person’s actions; in many faiths, people believe that their karma will determine their destiny.
In our world, you can look at karma as a kind of emotional bank account – the more deposits you make in other people’s emotional bank accounts, the more equity you build…think of that equity as your karma. When you do wrong, you are withdrawing from those emotional bank accounts, and lowering your equity.
A great quotation that I feel really embodies the best way to help build good karma is this one, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:
“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming.”

Interesting quote. Whenever I read these quote I think of my children. I look for ways to incorporate the message in these quotes to help me raise my children. I want my children to be the best person they can be. I now need to treat them as though they already are.