Well, it’s Wednesday again everyone. Today I want everyone to do a wonderful and simple little exercise with me. First, take your right arm and wrap it around your left shoulder. Next, take your left arm, and wrap it around your right shoulder. Now apply pressure with both arms.
There: you just gave yourself a nice hug! Well, you might think it’s corny, but researchers into mental health and self-esteem know that every human being thrives on contact, and hugs are a great way to get that kind of contact. In fact, some people recommend we get at least 8-10 hugs per day.
Today’s quote is something I remind myself of every single day, and it’s something I think everyone else could use reminding of on a regular basis:
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” — Buddha
Hugs to you Amber – enjoy your day!