This week, I’ve decided to focus my attention on balance. Life is busy, especially in the lead-in to the holiday season, and with the days shortening and the nights lengthening, I think it’s really important for everyone to take some time to refocus and re-calibrate our internal landscapes.
So this week’s Wednesday affirmation has to do with balance. But not the sitting down for three hours in lotus post chanting “OM” kind of balance (although for me that does sound highly appealing) — no, the balance I’m referring to is the kind you get on the fly…quick corrections that you make to your attitude, your thought processes, your actions, while still living life at speed.
Most of us can’t take off for a retreat just when things are heating up, so we have to grab little bits of serenity where we can: a cup of herbal tea by the fountain in the mall while doing a gift-shopping blitz, jotting a personal note in the Christmas card you’re addressing to an old friend, even stopping to chat with a neighbour or the mail-carrier…these are all great ways to just stop for a moment and reconnect: with yourself, a friend, your community. All really important aspects in your balanced life!
So – having set it up, here’s this week’s Wednesday affirmation (thanks once again to my good buddy Albert Einstein for this one):
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. –Albert Einstein
Finding balance in life if tough. The days just seem to blur into each other. Some of the best moments I spend with my children are during the lunch hour. Once or twice a week I take them home for lunch. It’s time for us to connect when we aren’t passing out with exhaustion.
You are so right, small things matter, they can make a difference in your life balance. And it’s easier to find time for them. I just read a book about the importance of small things: “The power of small” by Linda Kaplan. I recommend it!
Ah, balance, yes. I’ve heard of it and I think maybe once, years ago, I actually experienced it. Maybe one day…