Between working full time and raising two very active kids I find no time for myself to spend at a gym. My friends have noticed the pounds coming on and I constantly get told that I need to make time for me. Easier said than done! I recently starting walking the track while my daughter practices soccer 3 times a week for an hour and a half but my ‘oh so fit’ friends say that this will do very little to get me back in shape but its a good start (but don’t hope for miracles kind of thing). Supportive – NO! Still I see their point – I need to do something for myself and stop making excuses. Still I thought this was a good start. So my question is will walking 3 times a week at a good speed for 90 minutes be equavalent to a work out at the gym or am I really fooling myself into believing I can lose some weight doing this?
Hi SharleenCN,
Good for you and don’t let those naysayers get you down. Walking is an excellent form of exercise. My only question would be with regards to intensity, is your heart beating? Do you work up a sweat? If so, great! If not, work towards that. If you are working hard enough you may even have difficulty holding a conversation with someone. I am a big fan of weight training as a means to lose weight so maybe when you feel ready pick up some light hand weights and start to carry them with you when you walk.
Other great muscle strengtheners…squats and lunges. If you feel comfortable enough, add some lunges into your walk or do some at home. Gives you great buns!!
Keep up the great work. Consistency is key.