One of my best friends is….trying. TRYING. She and her husband made the decision that they’re ready to have a bundle of their own and they’re TRYING.
It’s exciting. It’s hard not to text her every day and ask her if she got her period yet, if they did it last night, if she knows when she’s ovulating, if she has tried out any new “fail-proof methods” that the internet swears will get you pregnant. I am excited for her to get to join me in the mad adventure of motherhood.
At the same time, waiting is the worst. Waiting for the YES YOU’RE PREGNANT plus sign to pop up when you take yet ANOTHER pregnancy test. Hoping that the cramps you’re feeling leading up to that dreaded period day are a sign of impending pregnancy or period. Praying that this month will be the month you can finally stop TRYING and finally start BEING.
Don’t you, fellow moms, remember those days? I do. Though I got pregnant fairly quickly, there were those months of anticipation, exciting, and waiting.
So, my best friend brushes off any question that people may have about her wanting to get pregnant. When asked if she’s trying (like it’s really anyone else’s business) she laughs, says “Well, we’re having fun”, and changes the subject- only to run home to consult her (top secret) charts, graphs, ovulation calendar and digital thermometer, remind her husband not to put his laptop on his lap because it will kill his sperm count, stand on her head while drinking rose petal tea (it’s bound to help prepare the womb), and lie in bed with her legs straight up in the air for 30 minutes after sex.
Yup, waiting to get pregnant is the WORST!
Love your post. Sounds strangely familiar….. 😉
We’re still having fun trying, but it is so frustrating when we get so hopeful and let down 🙁
ps- Don’t worry, I’ll bbm u with any updates.
I got pregnant easily both times. We said, “Let’s try this month…” and whaddaya know? Babies. I would be completely irritated having to plot, and try, and wait and see… I must be the most impatient person alive. I hope your friend gets her wish really soon!!
Next to cancer, I think infertility is my most hated nemesis. I have SO many friends going through this – miscarriages, still births, ivf – it makes me SO angry. I was incredibly fortunate in that I got pregnant at 39, first try. I know how against the %’s that was….
wow. i could have written the first half of your post, christine. though my baby (#3) me was born about 5 1/2 years after #2. she is 16 1/2 months old now, and i think i might be ready for #4 (and that’s final!). 🙂
Yes, people do.not.stop. asking me when I’m going to have my next one. They’ve been asking since he turned one…like I’m on a countdown or something.
I find it so weird when people who are casually in your life, co-workers especially, want to know if you’re “trying”…seriously…why would they care??
Curious- did it hurt your friendships/relationships at all when you had no problem getting pregnant and they couldn’t?? Always wondered what that did to friendships…
Ooh no! I knew it wasn’t about you. But isn’t everybody asking you already???
“When’s the next one??”
People still ask me if we’re having any more. The answer is a RESOUNDING NO.
Ha!!! This post is SOOOO not about me, Christine…not yet anyway…
I count my blessings that we never had to even “try”.
Got preg with my 1st two weeks after I went off the pill.
Got preg with my 2nd when my first was 9mos old. I was still breastfeeding and hadn’t even gotten my period back.
When #2 was 15mos old, I got preg while on the pill and that ended in a very early miscarriage.
And then there’s Eva…still not sure how I got preg with her. Well…we KNOW…but we don’t know. We were actively trying NOT to get pregnant.
I had several friends who have had great difficulty getting pregnant.
I felt a lot of guilt at how easy it was for us as I watched them wait month after month. For some it took years.
So Sarah – I’ll ask the obvious question. When’s your next baby?