I love finding little insightful nuggets of truth online. Often these come from my beloved YouTube. So, I am going to start sharing them so you too can benefit from the amazing wisdom of the collective (oooooh, very Borg-like).
This is my fave this week. This snippet from the Conan O’Brien show with Louis C.K. is totally hilarious and totally insightful. The part about flying? So funny. His point? We live in seriously awe inspiring times and we’re never satisfied. Check it out:
I watched Conan on tour a few days ago and it was awesome. I can’t wait for his new show to come on TBS. It will be the beginning of a new chapter in late night television.
I agree. I loved this!! He is hilarious and so right about how we ridiculous we are sometimes. I have done all those things but also remember the rotary phones where I totally hated friends with zero in their number. I remember using one that I had to dial repeatedly all morning to try and get through to Ticketmaster for tickets to Wham (I didn’t get and I blamed the phone -hehe). How different it would be today where I wouldn’t even need a phone. Very cool and thanks for sharing.
this is a great video! so funny. i’ve never heard of louis c.k. before but now I’m definitely going to look him up – hilarious!
Humbling. I will remember that the next time I am grinding my teeth because the customer before me at the cash has items with no sku and needs price checks for all of them. So it takes me another 5 minutes to get my bananas, we won’t combust into flames if we can just be rational.
LOL! That was great. And so true too.
Thanks for posting 🙂
That was a great video, thanks for posting it! Good commentary, and I laughed out loud several times….”you’re in a chair – in the sky”. LOL!