The other day I was under my bed cleaning and I found something funny.
No, not that.
Nope, I am not talking about that either.
It was this rolled up piece of construction paper.
For a minute I thought it might be a sweet project from when my kids were little. But why under the bed?
I unrolled it and found something I had forgotten.
One night in the fall of 2008 two girlfriends, both married, came over for dinner to celebrate the birthday of a fourth friend, on her way to being divorced, like me.
They brought markers and magazine pictures of all kinds of men.
They took the bristol board and put it on my dining room wall.
They divided it in half – one side for each of us two single girls.
They filled in all the goodies of what we liked and stuck up pictures that looked like what we might like.
The more wine we had the more fun it became. Funny that.
Don’t I have the greatest friends?
It felt like home shopping or room service. As though anything we wanted, we could order up.
Two weeks later this same great friend with the big black Sharpie- introduced me to a wonderful guy.
See how the home shopping works?
We had fun together. We made me each other laugh. I could talk to him, I looked so forward to seeing him. It was thrilling. And disconcerting and fantastic. And disappointing. And surprising.
I recently put my new list under my bed.
That is where all wishes go because they can visit us when we are dreaming and create subconcious power.
No, I don’t smoke that stuff. I believe what I am saying.
I have fine tuned my list.
It still includes no socks with sandals. And no moustaches. (Ok, November only)
(I originally called this “under the bed” but thought more of you would read it if I called it “man hunt”- truth be told- I am open to being ‘hunted’ but am not good or interested in ‘hunting’. If that sounds passive, it is not. Being “open” is an assertion and is anything but passive. Don’t you agree? )
What an awesome surprise to find…(and can I come the next time). My friends and I write our new years resolutions down and put them in a box…so we can revisit and see what’s happened….
I like this man one though….hmmmmm…i’m down with the ‘stache…but I’ll agree with you on the S&S…