Brinley is almost two months old! Still fresh and raw and newborny, but getting bigger and more alert and smiley every hour. It’s a little crazy how quickly she’s changed and how fast the time is zooming by. How can some days seem to stretch on in an endless parade of tantrums, feedings, housework, driving, cooking…then all of a sudden, poof! Two months have passed and your baby is huge and grinning at you.
Here are some random thoughts and observations on life as we know it:
I am still pumping. I have passed my original goal of making it six weeks and have my eyes fixed on lasting through flu season. It’s been going well; I have lots of milk and the older girls are cooperative while I pump. My boobs are HUGE though and I have a way more intense/painful letdown sensation than I ever did while pumping for the other kids. Also, one boob makes more milk than the other (go, Righty!) and is always spilling over the top of my bra. I like to keep it classy.
I started Weight Watchers about three weeks ago. I know some of you advised against it but I went into it fully prepared to quit if I found my milk supply compromised or if it was too hard and adding to my stress level. Turns out all those extra calories they let you have while nursing makes sticking to the diet plan a whole lot easier! I still have the occasional pang of hunger or insatiable pizza craving, but overall it’s been more than manageable to stick to my Weight Watchers Points and I’ve lost six pounds.
Two year-olds are kind of jerks for a lot of the day.
I finally got my roots touched up and it’s nice to be blonde again. That being said, I have resorted to a ratty ponytail on most days and can’t seem to find the time to deal with my long-lost flat iron.
Brinley isn’t a huge fan of sleeping in her crib. She likes to snuggle on the ghetto mattress on the floor of her nursery with me. Again, with the classy.
How can a house go from tidy to barf-in-your-mouth disgusting in less than a day? I give up.
I forgot to take a birth control pill this week. Ha ha?
I miss sleeping.
That’s all.
I’m glad that things are going better, and that you have milk (I’m sure Steve is thinking BONUS!) and yes, 2 year olds can be serious jerks sometimes. If Audrey keeps up this attitude and serious will power, I’m going to go mental….or stick my head in the oven. Whichever is more effective.