Here are a few gems from the past few weeks.
“Fiona we are fighting we don’t know whose the fishy is (Littlest Pet Shop toy) and we’re actually angry at each other because we can’t get along sometimes. My feelings are mad and angry.”, Sophie – written in a note to me. Here it is – backwards because I used Photobooth (sorry). You can see them together and Fiona’s name at the top (cut off – sorry again) and Sophie’s initials SMK. She writes in cursive, such a proud Mama 🙂
“You look like an eyebrow, with a face and a mouth!”, Sophie.
“Sophie’s bigger but I’m older.”, Fiona.
“Can I be in goal?”, both. Every. Single. Soccer. Game. (sorry coach)
“I love you all the way to Unicorn World and back. That’s pretty far. Farther than the whole wide world and the universe.”, Fiona (my heart!). Unicorn World is real, yo. And it’s farther away than anywhere.
And a more serious one:
“If you and Daddy die, I won’t have anyone.”, Sophie. I have no idea why but I pointed out all the other people she has and said we wouldn’t likely die for a long time. A toughy that question.
Here is some super cuteness to leave you on a peppier note.
From the mouths of babes……