Twins are so much fun (once they’re past the newborn/infant stage, IMO).
Everyday I marvel, laugh and am amazed listening to their conversations. I’ll brag a bit here and say that they really have impressive vocabularies (from reading but also from TV- they’ve learned a lot from the Backyardigans). So I think I’ll post once a week about a conversation I’ve overheard.
Here’s a snapshot from today. The girls were busily dressing their dolls and “stuffies”, and acting out conversations between them. Here is their conversation.
Sophie: “Doesn’t she look fabulous in her new dress”
Fiona: “Yes”
Sophie: “She’s going to the ball”.
I love listening to my friends twins…they crack me up how they talk to each other!
My daughter has the most interesting conversations all by herself… I can only imagine what they would be like if she had a twin!