OK. I loved the Twilight series. And, although many would disagree, my fave book was New Moon. Yes, Bella was all depressed and full of teen angst but I so loved the character of Jacob and I so wanted him to end up with Bella. Edward is cool (teehee) and all, but Jacob? That boy is HOT (like 108o hot)!
So, when I got the opportunity to go to the Toronto Premiere of the Twilight New Moon movie I was all over it. And I decided the best way to see this film was to take a tween girlfriend along with me. And let me tell you folks that this night did not disappoint. Not only did we see some Canadian celebs at the premiere but I got all 13 again and ooohed and ahhhed along with the girls in the audience. Wow! That Taylor Lautner has sure changed since his Shark Boy days.
Check us out!
Here’s my tween pal, Martina, on the red carpet:
Then Martina got close to this guy…who is he?
And look who was sitting right in front of us. Blake McGrath also of SYTYCD:
Plus, we got to have a Q&A with two stars from the film, Bella’s dad actor Billy Blake (who, btw, is actually incredibly cute in real life and a new dad!) and the eyes and ears of forks high school, actor Justin Chon:
Great night! Oh, and the movie was so much fun. We’ll be posting a review in the Movie Reviews section soon. Kinda reminded me of when I swooned over multiple viewings of Dirty Dancing as a teen. Good times.
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I don’t usually comment on blogs for example this but on this instance and in keeping with the reviews above I’d take this opportunity to say how a lot I enjoyed your article. Truly educational and nicely written – thanks for sharing it with us!
i can’t wait for taylor lautner’s new movie abduction to come out…he’s so awesome!
Whats up, You might want to know this specific blog post is not showing up properly on my Blackberry Browser. Anyway, I’m now browsing this article on my pc, Thanks…
When i wrote that i mean hotest
Well my baby is the hosest person in the world so every one better back off he is mine.
I LOVE JACOB, did you see him on SNL mad karate skillz right? cant wait to read the new Eclipse novelle. Gonna be crunk.
Heyy… nice read. Nowadays it is quite difficult to find passionate statements. Anyone tried twilight special edition US contest?
how fun! looks like a spectacular evening. I was watching Shark Boy and Lava Girl with my kids on the weekend. We’ve watched it many times, they love it, but only this time did i clue in that it was indeed TL!!!
I just have to add: OMG…he IS shark boy (I had the pleasure of seeing TAOSBALG again just last night…barf)!!! And yes, he has certainly grown up!!!
As a funny aside: my daughters (6 and 9) and I were watching “Willow” this afternoon and when Val Kilmer came on screen, my 9-yo said, “he looks just like Jacob in New Moon”. And ya know what? She was kinda right!
Okay, I am totally going to go see this film! Also, Tre Armstrong, are you kidding me! How amazing. And Blake (crazy!) The dude with Martina is the host of YTV’s “The Next Star” on which it is my children’s dearest wish to appear. He’s very, very mini (as you can tell, he’s no taller than a ‘tween girl!)
Anyway, looks like it was a totally fab night! Wish I coulda been there, but how wonderful for Martina 🙂
That poster of Taylor Lautner is almost indecent! Could his pants be any lower??? I heard that Taylor Lautner was shirtless for one third of his time on screen.