I would never compare myself to Leslie Mann, because in his words and in mine…she is flawless, but I had recently read something about her [at the time] 10-year-old daughter Maude getting all giddy at the thought of her mom getting to kiss Zac Efron in the movie 17 Again, to the point of actually licking her mom’s face to taste his spit. Okay, so, I’m not actually kissing any Disney stars and there’s no face-licking going on at casa de Martell, but I DO have a nine-year-old who watches a lot of Family Channel. Once she got past the whole jealousy portion of the program, she became obsessed with giving me the RIGHT questions to ask, because, you know, I’m old.

He seems like a sweet young man. And I feel like a skeevy old lady for thinking he’s so cute. Good grief…
Great interview Ali!
I have no kids and I’m kind of in love with him. So much so, I think I might have to start watching Sonny With A Chance regularly.
For the record, he is only 8 years younger than me. I feel waaaaaay less dirty now.