This year I have one starting high school, one in grade 8, and four in elementary school full day, so I knew beforehand that I was going to have to get super organized and become very efficient. Last year some days (okay months) were really crazy in the morning as everyone tried to scramble around getting ready and avoid any children who were crying or didn’t take their ADHD medicine on time! After school was just as bad – despite my constant reminders about putting their stuff away it never happened and my front hall often looked like a tornado had just hit our house.
Having a child in school half day didn’t help either as I would go pick him up at 11:30am, then pick up the two in middle school at 2:30pm and then the others at 3:30pm. I was always driving around picking up children that I had no time at all during the day (or very little time).
I vowed this year would be different and so I set out on a plan. First came the visual reminders for before and after school that I placed on the wall right by the front door in the hallway.
Next was plotting all the children’s activities on the calendar.
Next came the daily schedule – that’s right I even put down the babies eating / nap times, my specific cleaning days, and of course the children’s laundry days:
I then went on to create the ever so dreaded homework schedule. Even if my children do not have homework then they are required to read (either to themselves or to a younger sibling) or I create math or spelling work for them this was then added to the daily schedule:
It is my hope that this type of organization will help avoid the daily chaos that can easily happen in a house full of so many children! I will keep you posted.
What about your household? What kind of tips can you offer to keep a house sane and running smoothly?
Until next time,
Holy crap, girl… *bows to you*