It amazes me that one of the things you learn when you become an adult* is that Robert Burns was right. The best laid plans of mice and men DO oft go awry. Simply put…things don’t always happen as you’d hope or expect.
take this morning, for example.
It’s Thanksgiving in Canada. (Happy turkey day!) to me, however, thanksgiving is in November. That part of me is still very much American. End of November, football, turkey, Black Friday. I can’t help it. It’s such a big family time for me. And since the husband’s family only celebrates Canadian Thanksgiving as a day off, the two of us never really adopted Thanksgiving in Canada as a big deal.
However, i’d love to change this. i’d love to make a turkey for the first time and have all my friends over for a giant, indulgent, stuffing, sweet potato pie, turkey meal. (but, my friends decided that they’d rather go for sushi…ahem…i’m just kidding, i’m really not bitter at all. i understand the importance of having a babysitter and a night out. really, i do!)
also, because i am crazy, i had planned to go into work today. at least for part of the day. i had to take off Thursday and Friday when my parents were here (yes, they were here. yes, i survived. and yes, of course, i have stories to tell. but not today) and my VPN decided to spontaneously boot me out, and i had no access to work. i have so much work to do, it’s silly.
so, the saint of a husband (who owes me because he pretty much worked the entire week while my parents were here) was going to take the three kids for the day so i could go in to work. So, this morning, i showered, got ready, stopped at Timmy’s for my large caffeine fix, and headed to work. I parked, i got into the building, walked up the three flights, sat down at my computer…
"Your account has been locked out. Please contact an administrator"
because they are working on Thanksgiving. only crazies like me actually, voluntarily go to work on holidays. especially when they don’t get paid for overtime. so, home again home again jiggity-jog. Actually, i met up with the family at Tim Hortons. where they were having breakfast.
so, here i am. at home. working. half-assed at most, since i have no access to my email. or my network. just me and the internets. and the 14 books i need to review for grade 5 read-alouds. i’m desperate for a GREAT fractured fairy tale. (anyone? anyone?)
this is not what i’d planned. but this is what is. and, as an adult, we are forced to deal with what is and make the most of it. it sucks. it’s frustrating. but i’m thinking of making a turkey and having a thanksgiving meal for the 5 of us when they get home from the Eaton Centre. if only i could find a supermarket that’s open…
*i use the term ‘adult’ pretty loosely. i still feel like i’m 16….even though i’m almost 30 (yikes!) and have three kids. and a mortgage.
I’d like to thank miss Lara for popping a squat over here on Friday. She’s such a great writer and thinker. She really was perfect for a Hot Topic Friday. If you haven’t already been over at her site, Life: The Ongoing Education, i highly recommend. oh, and also, in case you were wondering, i’m a HUGE daydreamer. It started when i was a kid, and really was a classic middle child. i was too young for my older siblings and my baby brother was the BABY…so i had a great imagination filled with many a daydream. I love to daydream. and i’m not ashamed to admit it (well, at least not anymore, since Lara paved the way!)
Way to quote from Robert Burns AND Mother Goose! Brillers! Bring turkey over to my house. I’ll let you hold THE BABY if you do?! 😉 Come whenever, of course! xo
I’ll try and think of some grade-5 appropriate fractured fairy tales – OR I will just ask my mom after school and see what she recommends because she a) teaches grade 5 and they are b) doing a unit of fairy tales RIGHT NOW.
Next time log in from home, and make sure your network is working before heading into work. Or .. lock yourself in your office and work from home and save your drive ..oh yes, I forgot you only drive 15 mins each way, lucky duck!
It can always be worse. Trust me. You could have been stranded in the middle of Sisterpoke Ontario (where the men are men and the sheep are nervous) with your in-laws who, prior to spending the last 18 months as intermittent house guests, were already on your short list of people you hope aren’t in the same afterlife, with no internet, no football, and well, that about covers it.