what you want to see right. this. very. minute.
Ryan Phillipe gets naked…well, half naked for W Magazine…and we’ve got a picture to prove it! You can read the article here (as if you actually care about the article….)
we already know he looks good without a shirt. mmm..
what they didn’t want you to see. ever.
it’s a total toss-up this week…
what do you think…is it:
a) ScarJo who may have made a colossal mistake starring in a movie alongside the always perfect Natalie Portman…
b) Katherine Heigl’s new (old) haircut…Golden Girl much?
Oh dear Katherine, what have you done? She totally looks aged with that haircut. I will anxiously await another pic of it looking younger because it has to be in there somewhere!
natalie is stunning scarlett is not my fave star but i think its just that shot makes her look so crappy…
Oooh Ryan’s HOTT!!
I can’t wait to see that movie!! Yeah Natalie is always perfect which is why she should be a good Anne Boleyn.
Katherine Heigl seems to always look gorgeous in anything!
Scarlett looks like, “duuuuhhh…” in that pic. But she’s normally so beautiful. Must be the french hood. She should have opted for the gable hood, no? LOL. Probably she’s just trying to look all innocent and Mary-ish, not clever and shrewd and Anne-ish.
As for Ryan, he’s not my fave, but he has a nice set of abs.
Katherine should NOT have dyed her hair so brassy blonde. That to me is worse than the style.
mmm Ryan, so HAWT!
I never got the hype on Scarlett Jo. Really. She has like a total bulbuous (is that a word?) nose and kinda looks off. There is no comparing with Natalie Portman.
And Katherine?? Maybe the hair is better when it isn’t all pouffed like an old lady.
I am so pleased when I see stars looking crappy.