what you want to see. right this very second.
um, yes, with the season finale looming…next Thursday..i thought you *might* be interested in a look at the men of LOST…so, what’s your poison? Jack? Sawyer? Desmond? Sayid? Jin?
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Margot…see, i really don’t get the sayid thing..at all. LOVE desmond. and Jack. and Sawyer. all SEXY. even Jin. but Sayid? he’s totally not my type. 🙂
Man, do I have to choose between the Lost boys?!? I’ve always been a Jack girl, but I just looove Desmond too. I have to say that at the end of last week’s episode I was almost in tears saying “no, no, no, desmond can’t die!!” I’d pretty much pack it in if they killed off Desmond.
Oh & then there’s Sayid.
See, I can’t choose.
LOVE Sawyer. LOVE.
oh. my. goodness….
I may have to tune in just to see what I need to AVOID! yikes.
PS. mmmmm sawyer.
K…that guys is actually, truly scary.