If you have seen Mr. Mom you certainly feel sorry for the schmuck. The poor guy is really trying but it is not easy being a stay at home dad when you are not seasoned veteran or prepared.That is how I have started to feel lately except I am a mom. Let me explain. (Enjoy the clip while you scroll!)
I am going to do this in David Letterman style. However,I am too tired to get to ten so here it goes:
Number 5: I lost my nanny (because she was nuts), left my corporate job suddenly (well I am on a leave of absence until January). Like Mr Mom, I had to figure out how to survive with no bi-weekly cleaning service (yes I was spoiled). Like Michael Keaton’s character I don’t know how to empty a vacuum cleaner with success. Quite frankly I find it gross and it makes me sneeze. Number 1 reason I almost never vacuum – because I would have to empty the machine. No thanks.
Number 4: I can’t get my one year son to sit in a shopping car (No Frills has no strap – just sayin). He just won’t. I then try and plead with him to obey me. He just laughs or screams. Things get dropped out of the cart and I end up on the verge of tears.
Number 3: I am often late or nearly late from the school drop offs/pick ups (I used to have daycare do this when I was working). I come running into the school yard, sweating, totally freaked out about the fact that my son might be waiting with an impatient teacher who clearly can see I don’t know what the hell I am doing.
Number 2: I am starting to look like Mr. Mom (well some days), sweat pants, cotton shirts, the lack of “pretty” grooming makes me feel like Mr. Mom. I need more time for my beautifying. I was at the hair stylists the other week (about five months over due) getting my hair done when these gorgeous cougar chics walk in. You can tell by just looking at them that clearly there are no toddlers dancing on tables where they hang out (Yes my toddler likes to dance on tables but that is another post). We started talking and I could tell they wanted to say –” You need to step it up for your man. Put on some makeup for god’s sake”. Editors Note: They never said this nor do I have any proof they were thinking it.
Number 1: Most stay at home moms I have come across really seem to have a good handle on the whole meal preparation thing. I can’t seem to make a meal with both my kids around bugging me so I usually wait until Mr. Rob comes home to help me. Also, I never seem to have everything I need in the house to make a meal.
Clearly I could be better at this. BUT (and this is a big but) if I am better at this then I will be expected to do more – therefore I have decided not to get better at any of it . I will stick with the Mr. Mom routine in hopes that the bar will remain low.
Re the grocery cart— two words “SCOTCH TAPE’. No, not to stick your child into the cart (though that may work), but to play with. When my kids were younger I always had this miracle “toy” in my purse or diaper bag. It got me through many flights and car rides. It sticks to everything….kids can stick fingers together and unstick them, tape the handle of the grocery cart, stick tape on their noses for a laugh, stick it all over a box of cereal you are buying anyway, etc. I love this “toy.” It has not failed me yet!
Leigh- sometimes we are only able to “maintain life” as my friend once said when she was renovating, breastfeeding a newborn and chasing after two toddlers. And that is ok. And sometimes we need to change either the way we do things or our expectations or a combination. You’ll get there! n
Grocery shopping without kids is heaven!!! Time to dawdle in the isles and avoid the screaming at the checkout – where the candy is located! What is that about? Just torture! I complain all the time when there are no straps in the carts, even now when my child is older and no longer fits! I found though the best thing was to feed my child while shopping! On an organized day that meant pulling out her favourite snack and sometimes it meant opening a package in the store before purchasing!
When it comes to dinner at night … I am a big promoter of the raw food diet and serving lots of appetizers. Kids love appetizers! Easy, small bites of food! You and your husband may not be so thrilled but it does reduce the stress and the kids eat well!
just a heads up there really are only two secrets about grocery shopping
1) the free cookie (don’t hold out to the end they don’t have that kind of attention span get it early and break off pieces keeps them busy) .
2)Bring toys books etc so the can play in the cart it saves a lot of grief!
**another time saver see who does deliveries many towns have grocery stores you can order for on line and for the low price of 5-10 dollars they will pick your order and deliver to your house (as the have people from the departments pick your order you often get the freshest stuff from in the back for fruit and veggies and meat is packaged to your order)***
BIGGEST MISTAKE YOU CAN MAKE buying too many clothes it gives you the ability to go ages between laundry and get really far behind
I will do just about anything to ensure the children are at school or something before I grocery shop. It’s a really big job – a lot for one person, really.
I’ve seen that movie too many times to count. It’s still funny.
The “fun” of grocery shopping with your son? Totally there with you. Once, my boy knocked over an entire display:) Good times.
Cut yourself some slack, you are trying to launch a business and take care of the kids and the house. That’s a lot. I’m sure you look great in sweats and you’ve proven you look good with no make up too!
I loved that movie.
Can’t agree more. After I went back to work things started to fall apart at home. Our dinners are slapped together and clean clothes are a thing of the past. But I must admit that it’s all worth it. Work, family, and friends provide us with the challenges, love, and support that gives us the fulfillment that makes life meaningful.
Can’t agree more. Things started to fall apart after I began working. Our dinners are now slapped together at the end of a long day, and clean clothes are a thing of the past. The craziness of daily life can sometimes be overwhelming but it’s all worth it. Our jobs, our families, and our friends, provide us with the challenges, love and support, that make life interesting and brings us fulfillment.