I just started working 40 hours a week, instead of 35. this is partially because my work needs me there and partially because my husband wants me there. (more hours = more money).
before, my work day was 9-4 (which i had upped from the 9-3 that i worked before Isabella was born). now, my work day is 8-4 (with the exception of this morning, since i was at a bris. i’m sorry that i had to leave early.)
Realistically, this doesn’t change my life around a whole lot.
Sure, it means i have to use an alarm clock for the first time. in years. seriously. i will be getting up BEFORE my kids. i think there’s some unwritten rule out there that says YOU MUST NEVER WAKE BEFORE YOUR CHILDREN. and if there isn’t, there sure should be. it seems barbaric to me. shouldn’t i be using every moment of sleep that i can get?
it also means that i don’t ever have to drive carpool. ever. i know this doesn’t sound monumental to any of you out there. but, trust me. it’s huge. i don’t have to worry about getting my kids in the car, listening to them fight about the movie we watch, getting them out of the car, being late, having to drive around the school parking lot for ten minutes just to find a spot, and then race to work, only to always be about 10 minutes late.
in general, though, the 5 extra hours of being at work means 5 extra hours that i don’t have in my day. as it is, i always say that if i had an extra 6 hours each day, i’d be able to get everything done. now…i guess that it means i need an extra 11.
yesterday, someone left a comment on my blog that really hit home. she or he…i’m not sure which one…said that i have too much time on my hands and i should be volunteering at a hospital or something. too.much.time.on.my.hands.
pshyaw. i wish. i work a full day. i have three children (one who is VERY high maintenance). i have a husband who works late (mostly because he’s picking up the morning carpool shift, so i can’t REALLY complain). i write for urbanmoms.ca. i write my own blog. i make personalized baby blankets (want one? email me and we can discuss). i cook for my family. i cook for company – which i have, almost every week. i do the laundry (because my nanny can’t seem to do it). i clean (i’m in the process of a giant house-purging-project…thanks, Tova…..). i scrapbook. i volunteer for an organization called Emunah. i keep up with things like library books. and homework. and lunches. and permission slips. i deal with things like passport renewals and us citizenship claims.
are you starting to see why an extra 6 (now 11) hours would be perfect?
too much time on my hands. seriously. that should be my biggest problem.
public service announcements:
if you get a chance, check out my other blog. today i’ve got the skinny on the skinny jean
and if you haven’t already, please sign up at urbanmoms.ca. and check out the forums. there are so many interesting moms out there!!
song of the day: In This Home on Ice by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. check it out. you know you want to.
Wow, Heidi! How do you know all of this?! I feel like I am in science class! Thanks…I am on my way to get my whites whiter.
Here is the BEST book on stain removal and general domestic cleaning. This author has a radio spot here in Perth every week and she has never let a caller down…like you, Ali, she is FABULOUS…
Ooops, should amend the remark about tomato sauce, yes you should spray on stain remover, but THEN WASH the item & then stick it in the sun.
Jen & Ali – happy to do a guest post, just let me know what to do.
BTW, the trick to grass stains is that they are protein-based which bind with fabric so you need something with enzymes to get them out (and consequently break them down) – we have OMO over here. No amount of spray-on stain remover will work. Apparently, in the U.S. (but I don’t know about Canada) is that the laundry detergents don’t have phospates in them so that’s a bit of a problem. All the detergents here in Oz do and OMO is the best detergent (and $$$) on the market but works a treat. Believe me, I have 3 dirty, disgusting, grotty children, I should know :)))
Re whites – you need to use an oxygen bleach-based laundry soaker which is colour safe, prior to putting it into the machine. We have Napisan Oxyaction here which is a powder detergent. I put several capfuls into a large bucket and soak all my really gross whites overnight and then wash the following day.
Of course the best way to get whites really “white” is to bleach them in the sun (easy enough here in Australia) and belive me, it REALLY works.
Other tricks:
-Tomato/ketchup stains – spray on stain remover and leave it to dry in the sun – presto, the UV rays break down the stain and totally, COMPLETELY remove it.
-Grease stains – apply dishwashing liquid directly onto the stain and rub it in and throw it into the machine. The direct application of the surfactant lifts the grease out of the clothing.
Here are a couple of web links to stain removal (and none mention enzymes :(((:
maybe you can do a guest post, Heidi! about getting stains out. i’m sure all us moms would appreciate it!!!!!!!
Hey, Heidi…share your wisdom on getting every stain out!! I am having issues with grass stains and just general dingy/dirty whites or lights that can’t be bleached because they have other colours in them too.
Sorry to turn the conversation to laundry but I had to jump on that comment!
Hi Ali – geez, that guy (and it’s gotta to be a GUY) should get a GRIP…Maybe HE should be doing something better with his time than reading YOUR BLOG…crikey people can be nasty, huh?
Anyway, I cannot for the life of me remember BC (Before Children), gee bloody heck in a box, I must have wasted a lot of time then (read: had time to go the gym, didn’t have to get a double shopping trolley to stick 3 kids in, etc.)…
FWIW, I won’t let ANYONE do my laundry – my cleaning lady did some last week and *sheepish* me had to redo it…she meant well, but I have a SYSTEM and am very picky. Doesn’t help that my BF here in Oz used to work for Unilever and has taught me all the tips on how to get every stain known to mankind out LOL.
I think you are handling it all admirably, I wish I had your energy and poise…Most days I am just hanging on for dear life.
And yes, working full-time with kids is hard. I work 4 days per week (9-9:30 to 5) and I am always scrambling on My Day Off (yea right).
Yea to NO carpooling though….
i have three kids!!
it was HELLISH trying to get ready for work with them all awake.
so, you’re totally right Adrienne, it’s way way too early to be up, but it’s better than the alternative! 🙂
I know that you find waking up before the kiddies barbaric, but don’t you enjoy the peace and quiet? Getting dressed without two kids interfering is quite enjoyable and a hell of a lot easier.
I know that you find waking up before the kiddies barbaric, but don’t you enjoy the peace and quiet? Getting dressed without two kids interfering is quite enjoyable and a hell of a lot easier.
Sigh…I do NOT know how you do it….A-ma-zing….And, I think Jen’s right — get that nanny of yours to do laundry!!! I know you hate other people doing your laundry, but, it’s worth it for the extra time it’ll give you!
I’m a stay at home mom and my son is now in grade 1 and my twin daughters have just started JK. The girls go to school 2-3 times a week (alternating Fridays) for the whole day and I get so pissed when people say what are you going to do with all your free time now?
I feel like I’m busier now than ever before!
Too much time on your hands???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Like when someone told me I watch too much TV. Yeah, like an hour a day is too much. Give me a break.
oh yes…i enjoy the blogs way too much to give them up!! never! 🙂
Ali – You should take the comment as a compliment! You obviously make it all look so easy. Time is a luxury most mothers just do not have and the last thing we should do is judge others for how they choose to spend theirs!
I enjoy reading your blog here and Cheaper than Therapy so please, if you’re going to reevaluate, teach your nanny how to do the laundry!