I’ve been thinking about this for awhile. I spend way too much time on this computer. I love it, but it’s too much.
I love reading blogs and communicating with friends and colleagues on twitter and facebook. I learn a lot. I do think this is valuable but it keeps me from other healthy pursuits like more exercise and meditation.
Last night I was at a dinner party and someone mentioned that more than 4 hours of screen time per day is linked to depression. Wow. Especially with tweens and teens. There are many factors involved – less physical exercise, online teasing or bullying, less genuine social interaction, etc.
But, this is about me. How do I go about using the computer less? I still want to read some of the blogs and I want to write. I pay my bills online.
I’m thinking of maybe scheduling computer time – is that too rigid? I think probably not because whenever I go online I get pulled down many a bunny trail. Lots of time gets wasted.
I would love any tips you may have. Don’t say get rid of Facebook though cause I’m sure I’m addicted, and that’s how I communicate with a lot of people.

Ahahahaha!!!! Sorry, I just know this is impossible for me for so many reasons 1) Um, it is my livelihood! and 2) I am WEAK 😉
However, I did take a Twitter break when I was feeling like it was Junior High all over again. I established what my objectives were for being there and how much time I would spend and I stuck to it. It really changed things for me and every once in a while I remind myself of these things to get back on track. Why not apply this to the whole internet?
Also, unplug. I travel and sometimes don’t have great access. It is a great excuse to lay low, read a book, watch a movie, get outside. Why not do that at home by simply telling yourself when the computer/phone/ipad/ipod/etc are off limits? It may seem forced but hopefully will create better habits.
The key, as with kicking any habit I think, is to find things you love to do in place of surfing the web. Make sure you have a schedule or a list of things on hand so when you have the craving to go online you can turn to something different.
Hope this helps! Looking forward to hearing how it goes.
I’m on ALL THE TIME. Probably too much. And now with Pinterest. Yikes. So..I have no tips on how to peel away. But can’t wait for others to provide some tips!
It is such a hard thing to do for me as well…when my son goes down for his nap bam I’m on checking blogs, FB and twitter…for me I like the interaction with others. But at the same time I feel I could be doing so many more productive things, say like cleaning the house ;-). I went off Twitter for 2 months and slowly crept back in. If you’re able follow a set time do it…for me I know I’d be saying okay another 5 more minutes and I’m off. Short of someone pulling the plug or taking away the laptop I’ve got no self control!