I totally lost it on The Boy tonight.
I wrote a few weeks ago about disciplining your toddler. I got great ideas and since then I’ve been the mom who does the warning, a redirect, removal…whatever the situation calls for. I make him look me in the eye (which he DETESTS when he’s angry at me), and then give him a hug after he stops the “undesirable” behaviour and explain why I did not want him to stop.
Tonight, I was none of those moms. Instead, I was the yelling mom. The “I CAN’T TAKE ANOTHER MINUTE OF THIS” mom. The red faced, slightly clammy, high-pitched, “why is this my life?” mom.
Many things led up to me blowing my lid. The Boy has really been testing me lately- showing a very strong will that I am not always positive how to deal with. I’ve been doing a lot more removal then usual and becoming an expert at ignoring him, even in public, when he’s having a tantrum (except for the time we were at our friend’s house and he poured half of a drinkable yogurt all over himself…ugh). But today was so full of removals and tantrums that I just couldn’t take anymore when, after his bath, he ripped off his diaper and peed all over the kitchen floor. It was actually the THIRD TIME TODAY that he peed on our floor (kitchen, bedroom carpet, and living room). And I had just HAD IT.
So, I yelled and ranted and asked him why he couldn’t just be good. He stood really still and then he really started to cry. Like, I’d really hurt his feelings cry.
So, now I sit here, sick to my stomach over losing it on The Boy. Ick.
We ended the night with some books and cuddles- I know he’s fine & I know it happens- but I just hate that I totally lost it.
Thanks everyone!
Sometimes we get handed a little more than we can take. I agree with the poster who says that anyone who says they haven’t ever yelled like that is lying. Give him a hug every second you can, and try to do better next time. End of story.
(Oh, and I bet he will think twice about peeing on the floor next time…)
I know how you feel, Sarah. I detest myself after losing it but I know my kids then understand that even their parents make mistakes. I apologize and move on. And try and do it differently next time.
Losing it…it happens, to all of us.
Tomorrow is another day.
Keep Smiling, Sarah.
anyone who says they’ve never lost it on their kids is lying! 🙂 the love outweighs the freakout and it’s okay to have emotions.
I’m with Haley – will laughs and laughs at me. Agree with Christine – don’t beat yourself up – the number of nights I’ve ended up rocking Will and bawling and apologizing for my outbursts, I can’t even count! Sounds like you’re doing an awesome job! Hang in there!!!
Don’t beat yourself up about it.
We’re all human and we all lose our tempers now and then.
Chin up girl – you’re still the great Mom you always were!!
All of your loving, fun, meaningful times with Z will and do, totally outnumber the times you lose it on him. I can bet today won’t be the last so don’t worry, you’ll make up for it with all the love. Plus, its brilliant… he won’t remember!
Oh no, he usually jumps for joy (literally) when I get upset. That’s why it bothered me so much tonight when I lost it and he cried:(
He cried when you lost it? My children think it’s hysterical when I lose it. They laugh…!