If you are at McDonald’s and you place an order and your order is wrong when you get it do you tell them? I am curious what moms out there do …say something.
You are rushing through the drive thru because you are already 15 minutes late for your parent teacher meeting because your doctor’s appointment ran late and you forgot the pre-packed lunch for you and the kid’s at home on the counter. You place your order and when you stop quickly to check it…nothing is right except the fact you got food. Do you drive thru again and ask them politely to correct it…or do you sigh and drive away?
I’m super curious about this one for my next blog topic. Let me know!
If it was something for my daughter, I’d get it fixed because she won’t eat a cheeseburger that has more than just ketchup on it.
I’m not so fussy! 🙂
Honestly I would turn around if there was no line-up and go through again. They are very apologetic and usually give me something for free.
But when it is wrong and I haven’t realized until I got home/gone to eat it, I will call them. Immediately they will tell me to remind them when I come in and will correct it. They also have given me my whole order for free the next time with a sincere apology for the mistake.
Anytime there has been a mistake they are more than willing to correct it.