…that IS the question, isn’t it? Margot’s comments on my post How Do I Love Thee really got me thinking. In fact, she asked a lot of the same questions I asked before I started the Isagenix program.
You see, I went into this month’s cleansing journey a little reluctantly. Jen was motivated; Jen was eager and ready to go. I was…well, about the most you can say for me is that I was game. Game in an "I’ll try anything once" kinda way. Jen was very enthusiastic but knew she’d need someone else to do it with her, and Steve was there, willing and ready to support and coach two people on their first cleanse journey. But I still dragged my feet. At one point, Jen even said to me, "if you don’t want to do this, you don’t have to. I can find someone else who does…"
So why was I so reluctant? I was nervous. I was afraid that I’d fail. I’ve tried and failed to do cleanse programs before, and didn’t want this very public attempt to fall flat. Also, I was skeptical. I believe, utterly, in the scientific method as being the best and most reliable way we humans know of (so far, at least) to determine the truth about the universe and ourselves. I am also, however, an optimist and a bit of a dreamer, and have a tendency to jump into things full of hope and enthusiasm, only to lack the ability to follow through on them. Strange bedfellows, I know. On the one hand, I’m ready to believe in all manner of holistic health claims – make me healthier naturally? By all means! On the other, I yearn for the peer-reviewed, double blind study to prove them.
But a few things we do know for sure. Our world is full of toxins: air pollution, estrogen in our meat and drinking water (disgustingly derived from the hormone-laden urine of women on birth control pills), pesticides on our fruits & vegetables, and harsh chemicals in our household cleaning products. We all know, without needing to see the studies (although plenty of them do exist) that these substances cannot be good for us (or our children). In fact, I stopped using almost all chemical-based household cleaners several years ago, opting instead for baking soda, vinegar, borax and microfibre. (For more info on homemade house cleaning supplies, check out this site. You should also check out Norwex, which sells 100% enviro-safe products.) I also wash all my fruits and vegetables in this Fruit & Veggie wash before serving to help cut down on pesticide residue.
We also know that toxins build up in our bodies, particularly in fat cells. Even our breastmilk contains environmental toxins (although this in no way makes any kind of alternative to breastmilk better for your baby…even with the low levels of toxins present, breastmilk is still by far the best food for your baby!)
So, the way I saw it was, hell, it’s all natural, it would seem it can’t hurt me, so why not try it?
And am I ever glad that I did! I feel excellent, today, on Day 8 of the 9 day program. And it’s a cleanse day (which is essentially fasting). Am I hungry? Yes. But I now see hunger as a bodily sensation that I can choose to satisfy or not. It’s not entirely pleasant, but it’s not exactly going to kill me, either. And the benefits…even now, after only 8 days, are unbelievable. As in, you will not believe it unless you try it yourself. Here’s my laundry list of things I’ve noticed in myself since I started:
- weight loss (first and foremost!)
- clear skin
- greater mental acuity
- positive attitude…feeling happy & upbeat & optimistic
- greatly reduced cravings for food
- greatly reduced flatulence (like, only 1-2 farts per day)
- stronger, longer fingernails & shinier hair
The Hubster and I were talking it over this morning, and we’re sold. We’ll keep doing Isagenix for the remainder of our initial 30-day commitment, and then some.
It may not be a scientific study, but it’s our own experience, and it’s good enough to keep us going.
If you have any questions about Steve Bentley or Bentley Coaching or Isagenix contact Steve at performancecoaching@sympatico.ca or by phone at 416.407.6361. You can also go to www.performancecoaching.infoseekdirect.com and www.cleansedforlife.com.
good for you for now being “in it”