“Time – it’s on my side…. Yes, it is” Mick Jagger was a bloody man. What the hell does he know?
Time has not been on my side. It has been crazy (I can’t breathe) busy, but I only have one life and I better start living it. I scheduled date night this weekend. Not with my husband (that’s long over due too) but instead with my son who is five. We rented movies, bought junk food and watched a movie together.
It all started when putting him to bed the night before. We were talking about what we were going to do the next day. So we scheduled date night. He made me go get my iphone and he watched me put into my schedule. Thanks to Kathy Buckworth for the great suggestion of scheduling everything important to you into your planner (whatever that may be).
The next day at 6 pm my phone buzzed and I showed my son date night was to begin. He loved it. He felt special and I felt excited about eating junk food.
A few things I have to schedule:
- A date with my husband – I love him so much for being supportive and I want to have more time for the bugger.
- Excercise -I need to put it into my calendar every Tuesday and Thursday (start small and build) – I am going to run with a friend and it will be in my calendar so I won’t miss it. Thank you to Julie Watson of AfterGlow Health & Fitness for reminding me that I am important and that I do have to make time for myself – I had an amazing personal training session with Julie and it made me realize how much I was missing out by not getting regular exercise. Stress managment for one is a huge benefit of regular exercise.
- My Work – I need to put that into my schedule too. Work when the time is scheduled and NOT work when it is not scheduled. My son helps me keep that promise.
As moms we have such little time and yet if we do schedule our time maybe, just maybe, time can be on our side.
So speaking of scheduling – My company, Marketing4moms is having an event on May 11th from 10 am -12 pm for Mom Entrepreneurs. Julie Cole of Mabel’s Labels will be our key note speaker, speaking about how word of mouth marketing and social media can grow your business. To register for this must attend event visit: www.marketing4moms.com and click on the banner.
Are there men out there who juggle as many things as women do? It’s unbelievable how many tasks I can accomplish in one day. My husband on the other hand goes to work, and comes home. While he may do a few chores on the weekend, weeknight evenings are for relaxation only.