what you should see:
my god. i want to have Daniel Day Lewis’ babies. He’s incredible.
totally 100% deserving of his Oscar. Like other PT Anderson movies
(Magnolia, Boogie Nights) this one makes you THINK. You don’t know
whether to hate or pity the character of Daniel Plainview. He’s an oil
man. a family man. and a mess. i laughed. i cried. i yelled at my TV. and i learned a hell of a lot about the oil business in the early 20th century. this is one you DON’T want to miss. seriously.
what you should listen to:
so. good. they are considered indie-pop. i consider them all kinds of awesome.
Their self-titled debut album was released in January to, so far, critical success. They received much buzz from local blogs throughout 2007 during their rise to a record deal. Rolling Stone placed Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa at number 57 for the top 100 songs of 2007.
what you should WIN:
our good friends at Alliance Films have once again generously donated 2 copies of this movie (based on one of my all-time favorite books) for us to give away. (sadly, i haven’t watched it yet. check back over the weekend for my review)
the first two people to correctly answer the following two questions will get the dvds:
What actor played the school principal in E.T., only to have his scene
cut when Spielberg decided that his presence would be too distracting?
What 1987 movie features the "Partridge Family" house being firebombed?
argh – I have you on google reader, but it’s not working properly – totally missed this!
I have “Blood” in my room ready to watch as well…. kept putting it off bc I was so disturbed after watching No Country for Old Men. Different Movies yes, but both violent right?
wow. you guys are awesome.
did you have to google these or did you know them?
i didn’t know either of them!
Daniel Day Lewis is one of my favourite actors.he is so awesome can’t wait to see there will be blood.and i have finally almost finished reading LOVE IN …going out to buy it this weekend…
Doh. Too late.
Harrison Ford
Lethal Weapon
That would definitely be Harrison Ford and Lethal Weapon.
I can’t wait to see There Will Be Blood, it’s sitting on my TV waiting for me as we speak!
Vampire Weekend sounds interesting, I’m going to have to check it out. As for Daniel Day Lewis, I find him a little on the weird side but dude can definitely act!
And the trivia answers are Harrison Ford and Lethal Weapon (I think anyway)