Last week had been a crazy week and by that I mean crazier than usual.
I have problems turning off possibilities- for work, for play, for family, for friends- I just want everything and in a hurry. Are we ever this young and this alive as we are in this exact moment?
After I finished work I had 18 different things to do but I also wanted to sit with youngest to discuss life and how she felt her exams went. We sat on the couch talking and laughing and all sorts of goodies spilled out.She was really telling me stuff. Ohhh I thought I could stay here all night, enjoying you.
I also wanted to prepare yummy foods for oldest who would be returning from event at school with hungry friends for sleepover.
Hanging over my head was a great invitation from BFF. “Nance, I have an extra ticket for fun charity event for brokerage business. Men for miles. Meet me.” Some sort of cowboy event.
She is always looking out for me and I love that. She can spot a lovely guy from 60 paces. When she works so hard for me, I have to at least show up.
But showing up meant leaving my wonderful home and all the stuff I wanted to/ needed to do. It meant changing my clothes and cleaning myself up a little.
We texted back and forth- she had been at the event since 5. I could not get there quickly. I finally went and it took me 45 minutes to get downtown. Pylons all the way down Yonge. Construction. Traffic. Parking disaster.
I kept calling BFF and could not reach her.
Finally parked, paid dearly for it and walked into event. Phone rings – “where are you?” She is at home with jammies on.
Ummm I am here.
Communication error.
I looked around- yes miles of men- yes attractive- and a few girls in tiny shorts on mechanical bucking horses. I laughed turned around and left.
It occurred to me that I like men the way I like pretty shoes. I want them to magically appear in my life but I certainly don’t want to shop for them.
I drove another 45 minutes, begging her out of her jammies over the phone. We met at a bar at the end of my street and had a ball as we always do.
I went upstairs to use the washroom and there was a firefighters party. I kid you not. Just down the street. Only it took me an hour and a half to get there.
You are hillarious. We did finally have a wonderful night together didn’t we? Not as many men and no bucking bronkos at the local restaurant but so fun just the same. The firefighters were a nice touch. LOL
you summed it up sister! I have no interest in shopping – can someone just present one on a platter???
next time let us all know about the party! 🙂
Love this! You have such a great way of telling a story – hope the night was fun! There is a firefighters school at the college where i teach, and i have to say – all of them are beautiful! i’m convinced it must be one of the criteria!
Sounds like the adventure was worth everything you went through to experience it!!
Heh. Ain’t that just the way it goes though? I’m glad you had a good time in the end, lady. Fun always rules!