So…results are in…and by random draw, done by my most favorite actress, Miss Emily…the winners are:
once again, if you send me your address, i will get you each your copy of Gone Baby Gone ASAP!!!!
now…i’m so glad that Lavendula won. because i thought she was very clever trying to guess MY favorites! so…i figure that since i forced all of YOU to give me your answers (which were ALL over the board…but a TON of you love Reese Witherspoon. you love her!) – – – i will go ahead and let you in on some of my favorites.
these change. a lot. but right now, today, my answers are these:
my favorite actor is: Sean Penn
my favorite actress is: Frances McDormand
my favorite movie is:
my least favorite movie is:
yeah! thanks, ali – sending info now.
i did see it.
it’s 90 minutes i’ll NEVER get back…
triple ditto on Justin to Kelly — should I even rent it for a laugh?
congrats winners!!! 🙂
and I JUST saw Almost Famous the other week for the first time. GREAT flick.
You actually saw From Justin to Kelly? I thought no one had. 🙂
You actually SAW From Justin to Kelly??
oh Ali now are so right about justin and kelly major suckage.and thanks! i never win anything…