what you should listen to
Coldplay’s Viva la Vida. i will admit, i’m not a big Coldplay song. there was always something a little, erm, soft about Chris Martin’s music. also, a little copycat-y. with the exception of Fix You, which i love, and i don’t care what you say, i don’t really like Coldplay. but this? i LIKE! i’m impressed, Chris Martin. i’m impressed!
I don’t like Coldplay. And haven’t listened to the new stuff beyond that first impression run through. It will have to grow on me I think.
Love love How I Met Your Mother. Not sure why they wasted so much time with Ted and Robin as a couple when we learned in the first season that she’s not the one he ends up with. He called her Aunt Robin to the kids! So hello! quit wasting my time on the grossness.
Hot pink shoes in a normal size? Adorable. Hot pink shoes in a size 11? Not so much. Sadly, they are not in my future.