This we know:
The package is Desmond. Oh my god, the package is DESMOND! Why? Why? I am thrilled to see him, don’t get me wrong…but why is he there? And Widmore is a good guy? Trying to protect the universe by not letting NotLocke and his crew off the island? And his plan involves using electromagnetic forces from plans there were drawn up by Jin? And Widmore says that if they get off the island that the world would “CEASE TO EXIST” – is he hinting that the LA sideways timeline is what happens if NotLocke wins?
Jack – again – kicks some serious season 6 ass. AND Richard is back with a plan for Team Jacob!
NotLocke tells Claire that he needs Kate to help with the other candidates, even though her name is crossed off, and then afterwards, whatever happens, well happens. Is he giving Claire permission to kill Kate? Also…Kate’s name is crossed off in NotLocke’s cave that he revealed to Sawyer…but her name WAS on the lighthouse wheel and was not crossed off. Why? Did Jacob still think she was a candidate but NotLocke didn’t anymore?
Speaking of candidates…in LA world, when Jin and Sun go to check into their hotel rooms, they make a point of saying that Sun is Peik and not Kwan…maybe this is telling us that it’s Jin who is the candidate and not Sun? But, on the other hand, it was Sun who had the moment in the mirror.
Sayid feels nothing. SOUL = GONE.
Sun loses her ability to speak English. Methinks this is a little something more than just Aphasia…methinks it’s the work of NotLocke. Maybe he’s possibly bringing back snippets of the LA timeline…where Sun could NOT speak English. Also, she totally wasted that paper.
It’s Mikhail/Patchy! AND he loses an eye! Classic. But, does this tell us something about timelines? Hrm…I wonder.
Best line “Well of course not; that would be ridiculous.” after Sawyer asks NotLocke why he can’t just turn into smoke ad fly on over there and NotLocke says that if he couldn’t, he already would…LOVE.