I was thinking about Wordless Wednesdays and Follow Fridays on Twitter…and I know I do the Random Friday WTFs here (which tend to come on Wednesday)…are you following me here…
I loooove music. I work for a radio company so it’s around me all day. At home, we have music on constantly and even though there is a frig of a lot of Wiggles, Will also appreciates my music. When he was signing…we were listening to Led Zeppelin in the car and it ended and he started signing for more! Good BOY!
So this morning I heard Hold Me Now by the Thompson Twins on the radio on the drive in and remembered a story and burst out laughing. And then I thought hmmmmm….don’t we all have memories attached to the songs that we hear? What if every Thursday, whatever song I hear on the drive in becomes THE SONG. I’ll share my story about a certain tune and I BET that you have a memory around the same one?? Let’s give it a shot.
In high school I was a bit of a goody-goody. What I mean is that I followed the rules and rarely got in trouble with the parents. I didn’t go out during the week and was allowed out one night on weekends and had a curfew till grade 13. And I was fine with it (hope Will will be cause those rules will be following over!!). Anyway, when we were in grade 11 I think, my parents let me go with a bunch of friends on New Years Eve to see The Thompson Twins at Maple Leaf Gardens. My friend Jeannie’s dad worked for some company (Alcan maybe?) who let us go in their corporate box. Well we thought it would be a brilliant idea to try and sneak mickeys of gin into the Gardens – you know because a. you can’t and b. we were underage. Of course we got frisked and of course out of everyone, I got busted. They made me pour it out into some big bin. The whole time I was wailing, ‘please don’t tell my mottttthhhhher. pleeeease.’ LOSER. But they didn’t for some reason. So I was allowed up to the box to enjoy Thompson Twins and OMD (good god my musical taste has improved). But I didn’t drink anything – they scared the crap out of me and I’m sure laughed at me for hours.
So – Thompson Twins – Hold Me Now – any memories???
Sharon! That is a riot that you were there as well!
I don’t have any specific memories about that song but I was at the same concert! We had just moved to town and knew nobody so my brother and I went for New Years eve. He just reminded me about that the other week. He said, that was when you didn’t have any friends, then added, not that I did either. Sad way to spend your New Years Eve. At least it was something to do.
I followed house rules and obeyed the law (ie. no underage drinking) through high school and continue to obey the law. My driving record is completley clean as well. It’s paid off because I’m in the (very lengthy!) process of having a 10 year full background check done to work with the RCMP and be a dispatcher. They won’t find anything…I’ve never even TRIED pot and my friends are all decent people as well. Yea, I wasn’t the most popular kid in school but who cares! I had a small but close group of friends, I got good grades (which got me “free” money), and I have the respect and trust of my parents. I went to Europe when I was 16 (alone!) and even though I’m older now I still (generally) call home if I’m going to be later than usual and when I was in Australia I kept in regular contact esp. when I was moving around lots.
Little things like that go a long way and pay off BIG TIME! “Goody goodies” unite!!! It’s a heck of a lot better than spending the night in jail or addicted to drugs or w/e trouble all the “cool” kids got/get in to!!!
And if i ever have kids the same rules will apply. Respect and trust is earned…it’s not a given.
I had no curfew in High School and never really got into much trouble because all of my friends, like you, had strict ones. So, I ended up going home too. Smart parents mine 😉
I loved the Thompson Twins! I remember sitting around with some pals watching Toronto Rocks in the very early days of video. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Sara!
oh where oh where are they now? funny story about the gin 🙂 i was a big duran duran fan and saw my first concert when i was 35! my parents wouldn’t let me go to MLG! 🙂
Thompson Twins….loved that song. My memory of it was a good friend at the time who had gorgeous long, curly red hair, and got it cut all cut off in a “Thompson Twin” hairstyle. “Uou asked if I loved you, what could I say? You know that I do and that this is just one of those games that we play”. For a 13 year old girl, these were some pretty heavy lyrics!!
Oh this is gonna be good!
I’ve been listening to 102.1 since the 80’s…when it was The Spirit of Radio…
The good old days when you could call in and win 102 bucks if they played a song twice in one day (why the flip did they give that up???)
Anyhoo – I went to Belfast the summer that this song was out – so that’s my memory of it!