I realize that I rarely write about my dad. Frankly, you could think I was an orphan if you didn’t know me! So let me state for the record – I have an awesome dad. Growing up I always thought I was SO much like my mother but no, while I do have some of her traits, I am fully and totally my dad. The one big thing we share is our wanderlust. My first taste of travelling was going to Scotland and England with my parents. To this day, 25 years later, my dad and I get downright giddy talking about Airsaig House where we spent a couple of incredible days. My mom also loved to travel but she loved coming home, back to her peeps and her routine.
My dad really pushed me to go away to University (wait a second..maybe he had other motivations) and when I said I wanted to travel for a year after, he thought it was a great idea. My mom was supportive but I think she spent the entire nine months in a bit of a panic. The hug she laid on me at the airport when I got back was incredible. Before I left, she asked one thing of me – ‘please don’t bungee jump’. I promised not to. I had zero interest anyway.
But as it happens, I got caught up in the moment in New Zealand and indeed hurled myself off a bridge. On the drive to the AJ Hackett site, we listened to Free Falling…over and over again..
Right after my mom bowled me over with a hug in the airport, I took her to a video store to ‘surprise’ her with something (yeah we did not own a VCR). I proceeed to show her a video of me bungee jumping. She proceeded to walk out of the store. And not talk to me for two days.
We used to kid that when my mom was pissed, her lips would go white. Well they were white and when she finally spoke to me she said…
“just you wait until you see your child throw themselves off a bridge and see how you feel.”
I didn’t get it then. I get it now. I freak out if Will starts climbing the two foot tall rock wall without me being there. I think of my terror when he fell off the top of the really tall slide. Ummm that was not a bridge, over a rushing river, headfirst.
Mom – if they have the internet up there…I’m SORRY! That was really f(*%ing mean of me.
Did you do anything to your parents when you were a kid that you feel bad about now??
Sidenote – I thought I had pictures of my bungee’ing…but I couldn’t find them. I did grab a couple from the same trip to share though. A. they don’t show my shirt coming off when I landed head first in the river…and B. they don’t show my body paralyzed with fear when the jump was over.
This is Ayers Rock…in the distance…pretty amazing how in the middle of freaking nowhere it is isn’t it??
This is my friend Lori and I at the top….9am New Years Day 1992! Yes, even in the middle of nowhere..I can still hunt down the dudes with the booze. Woo Hoo! (We ate dinner together last week … at my kitchen table..not quite as exciting but still…)
John McEnroe. While you guys had posters of Joey Lawrence in your locker…I had McEnroe. And I saw him at a Grand Slam tournament. Enough said…let us take a moment.
It’s so appropos that I read this post right now. Lately, I’ve been thinking so much about all the things my mother used to tell me, warn me about. I wasn’t crazy, but I challenged her pushed her limits like any other young person. Now, all of a sudden her fears and caution make so much sense. I am overwhelmed with the desire to protect my kids from everything…
I’ve always like that song, too. Never bungee-jumped, but sure, I said/did things I regretted as a teenager/young adult. Isn’t that what unconditional love is for? Helping parents get through those moments?
What great adventures you’ve had!
You may not blog about your Dad often but from what you’ve told me about him – he sounds pretty remarkable!
The song – can’t say it reminds me of anything specific but I do know that I’ve always liked it!
I LOVE FREE FALLING- Tom Petty reminds me of my boyfriend at 16. I even like John Mayer’s take on same song. It is on playlist for 6 am dreaded Gym experience.
What do I regret- the lie of when I was in Europe and told them I would not go into North Africa and proceeded to go into Morocco by myself with another girl and a “really nice guy” who ended up being a drug runner. Who knew? I overheard a Moroccan tell another that I had nice teeth (they did not know I also spoke French) and that I would fetch a pretty penny. White slave market. OK – the Gods were with me. I am an idiot. Oh yeah and the stupid hitchhiking at Uni. And well I guess a lot of other stuff that makes me glad I am alive.
But I never bungee jumped. That would be too safe.
That is one of my ABSOLUTE favourite songs EVER. There is something about it. Something wistful and dreamy. And now my 11 year-old loves it too. Sometimes we will just blast it in the car and sing at the top of our lungs. Good one.