John Paul Ruttan, the 10 year old Toronto born actor is like any other kid his age…except he’s just walked the red carpet with Reese Witherspoon, Tom Hardy, and Chris Pine for his supporting role in the new feature film THIS MEANS WAR (opens nationwide on Friday, February 17).
UrbanMoms was THRILLED to grab a moment with John Paul‘s mom, Kathy about what life is like.
UrbanMoms: You’ve just walked the red carpet with your son for the premiere, what was going through your mind?
Kathy: I was thinking how lucky he is at this young age to have an opportunity like this. I also never would have believed I’d one day be walking down a red carpet for a feature film my 10 year old is in!
UrbanMoms: Can you step us through Red Carpet Day?
Kathy: The day started at 4:30 am – since we woke up at Toronto time (7:30 am). Later in the day we could see the red carpet being rolled-out from our hotel window across the street, the lights going on photographers and fans arriving…there was definitely some butterflies! When we got to the red carpet he was well taken care of by a Fox Studio rep. who guided him past photographers and onto the media interviews. At one point he looked across the road to all the fans and a few ladies were waving frantically… so he waved back (we don’t know who there were..and I don’t think they knew who he really was..but thank you for waving to him!). We were seated to watch the film beside Jenny Slate, who was just in Alvin and the Chipmunks and Chelsea Handler‘s cast..what a neat mix of actors!
A few of my girlfriends insisted I MUST wear heels..I went UGH! I’m the casual, outdoors type
who spends the summer sailing and wears construction boots for work. Basically, my philosopy is “it’s not about me” but I knew I still had to look good, so it was fun to have the excuse to shop! For this event I actually shopped at Bayview Village for the great blue dress from Sandro’s..actually found some comfortable heels! And my sister-in-law Lisa, who’s super fashionable, spent 2 hours coordinating my accessories and loaned me her beautiful black jacket from Want.

The “after party” had music playing, cocktails flowing, and we weaved through the crowded room..talked with his film mom, Abigail Spencer, bumped into production people we knew. We finally found Tom Hardy and said goodnight to Director McG. But this time it was 1:30 am Toronto time and the night had come to an end.
UrbanMoms: What advice would you give parents with aspiring little actors about this industry?
Kathy: John Paul started acting when he was 6 years old because he was the one who showed an interest in it, that’s important. Be prepared to be very flexible. It’s a fast moving industry so you really have to be able to roll with it and things change a lot at the last minute. As an example, here is how he got his role in THIS MEANS WAR…we auditioned in August (along with 7 other auditions that week! Truth!). In September we heard they “liked him”, he re-taped the scenes and 2 days later they asked us to get a flight at 5:30 am to fly to Vancouver to meet the Director McG. We also met with Tom Hardy in person to see if he was right for the roll. It went well and he started filming a few days later. On the norm most other auditions occur in Toronto and are shot here. You audition, then with a follow up “call back”. When you book a part you have a little time to rearrange work! My husband and I figured this out as a family and we’re lucky to have Grandma who can help out. There is a lot of hard work John Paul puts into each audition and learning pages of script. But most importantly, we keep it fun.
UrbanMoms: John Paul seems like a normal kid with an outgoing personality…has he ever said anything funny on set to the “stars”?
Kathy: He’s definitely a normal kid who goes to school and loves hanging out with friends and riding his skateboard. There are MANY funny moments. He doesn’t treat the “stars” with this “star-struck” approach but as just normal people. When he was younger, we were on the set of Defendor and John Paul was playing soccer with Woody Harrelson during breaks. John Paul started yelling at him “Woody Harrelson, get ready, the ball is attention!” He also told the Director of The Listener, after they were taking forever to shoot a scene, “Come on people, let’s get this thing going!” He’s 10 now and really understands how things work and is probably the first to be ready on set. Reese Witherspoon told him “you are one of the most professional actors I’ve worked with!”
UrbanMoms: How did you prepare your family for his big leap to FAME?
Kathy: Right from the start of his acting career we have focused on keeping him very grounded and well balanced. we have a great agent who has given us good guidance. We’ve always said you are very lucky to have the opportunity, but keep it in perpective. Some of his friends are amazing hockey players..acting just so happens to be his “thing”. His sister is probably his biggest fan. She screams for us all to run to the TV when she sees him and comments on all his performances “good job John Paul!”
UrbanMoms: Ok, last question..what was John Paul’s first purchase after he received his first paycheque from this movie?
Kathy: We were in Vancouver shooting and on our day off we travelled way out to a mall to purchase a $5 iPod cover which smelled like Jelly Bellies! He bought one for his sister and one for the lady who did the makeup on set.
Thanks Kathy for this amazing interview and GREAT JOB JOHN PAUL!!!