I turned 30 this week. No big deal.
Except, my friends made it a HUGE deal and threw me two amazing parties. The first I knew about, the second was a total knock-me-off-my-feet surprise.

So far 30 is good. I know so many women who adore their 30s and I hope I feel the same way. I am done birthing babies, have been with the same wonderful man for a decade and we are settled in our home and community and careers. Now all that’s left to do is watch our kids grow up and our wrinkles deepen.
Viva la crows’ feet!
Have your 30s been amazing? Or do you find yourself resisting them?
Fully! enjoy – and I’m with Nanc – 40s are even better!
wait until you’re 40! it will be grand! happy birthday to yooooooooouuuuu!!!
Sounds like you had a great time celebrating, lady! Happy Birthday!!
I never worried about any of my birthdays, and I loved my thirties just fine. I started my family at age 32, so your thirties will be different, given the stage of life you’re in. I’m with Nancy – things get better and better… enjoy everything, babe – it goes by like whoooosh! xox
Hapy Birthday Amanda
loved my 30’s so much- but would you believe my 40’s have been a thousand times better?
Every decade better. Enjoy everything that this one has in store for you.