My due date is tomorrow, but this baby has been teasing me with steady contractions for the past week. The most memorable was Sunday evening when I experienced six hours of increasingly uncomfortable contractions and managed to get my hopes up that the baby was ready to make her debut. The contractions were a little funny, though, in that they were coming every two minutes apart, but only lasting about 30 seconds in their entirety. I guess I always thought once contractions were that close together, you’d be seeing the top of a baby’s head squeezing out of your hoo-ha. I called the hospital and they said that while it was a quiet night on the ward there was no doctor on the floor so all they’d be able to do is monitor me and see if things progressed. I decided to stay home, try to sleep, and hope for the real labour pains to kick in. Which, of course, they did not. I was able to sleep and by the time the dark of the night had disappeared, so had my contractions. Bah!
Third Time Tricky
I have heard many woman (and doctors) say that third babies, for whatever reason, can be little wild cards. You think they would just fall into line and cooperate since your body is such a seasoned professional at this whole birthing thing, but they often give you a run for your money. If your first two babies came fast and early, a third baby very well may come late and take his or her sweet time. They are little teases who make you think their arrival is imminent, but then settle down again and decide to stay another week in your womb.
Oh, third baby, I am ready for you!
Anyone else out there have a third baby give them a hard time, playing games with your heart and changing up the rules?
my third baby was TEN DAYS LATE OMG. It was a nightmare!
sending baby vibes your way!
Number 1 and number 2 were two to almost three weeks late, also each had looooooong labour periods (56 hours and 16 hours respectively). So w. Mr. 3 I was lacadasical about the date. I was slowly clearing out my office 2 weeks before the date and 2 days before I stared Mat leave when I started feeling … off. No contractions but my “abs” were rock-hard!
Called the midwife, she was at another birth (I could tell by the noise in the background!) she said, have a bath, count movements, so I did, he seemed ok in there, but I got up and started to bleed like crazy (my placenta had started to detach). One pdq trip to emerg in an ambulance, (quite relieved when I saw his heartbeating normally on the monitor!) and he was born naturally 4 hours later…..the quickest of the bunch. I am also very glad he was a tad early because he already weighed 8.5 lb. He would have been quite the bruiser if he was like the others and came 3 weeks later (girl 1 was over 10lb and girl 2 was almost 9lb).
My 1st and 2nd came 4 and 8 days late respectively. My 3rd was born on his due date. He only broke the rules by NOT being late! Otherwise, I don’t remember having any early contractions or weird things going on besides that… :S Hope she makes her debut soon! And has a name!!! 😀
my first contractions started every 3 minutes for 45seconds and within 20 minuets they were less than 2 minutes apart but we were still 4 hours away from seeing any head squeezing out my hoo-ha
My first 2 were born on their due dates.
My third came 5 days late.
The day she was born I woke up feeling a little crampy, but not enough to indicate it was the day. Went for my checkup and was told I was close to 5cm’s. My dr said “Go home, grab you things, eat something your willing to throw up and meet me at the hospital”
I had her in my arms 4 hours later.
I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately – best of luck for a safe, swift delivery! I can’t wait to see pics and of course – to hear what you name her!