Anyone on Twitter last week probably saw all the advice that users were tweeting to their 16 year old selves. Things like “Listen to your mother”, “He’s not worth it”, “It’s more important to be nice than cool”. Myself, I might have tweeted “You could be a lot more comfortable 75% of your time if you’d just get proper winter boots.”
What on earth was I thinking between the ages of 13 and 23 insisting that I could get through entire winters with only running shoes (sometimes resorting to plastic bag liners to at least stay dry?). Winters in Canada!! Vanity, thy name is teenager.
Perhaps if I’d been a little wiser all those years ago, I’d have worn the Cougar boots that my more practical friends rocked.
The past decade has brought much wisdom into my life, but nothing has made as much of a difference overall as the knowledge that warm, dry boots will make you like winter more. And winters are simply too long not to like! So this winter, when Cougar Boots asked if I’d like to review their new line of winter boots, I jumped at the chance, and I’m sporting these with pride.
Cougar Boots is a Canadian company, so they understand Canadian weather. Further, they’ve been making boots since 1948 so they’ve figure out a thing or two along the way.
I was thrilled with the looks of Cougar’s new line of boots, and over the past couple of weeks I’ve worn them every opportunity I could.
I will be wearing them in arenas because they are warm and stylish.

I will be wearing them to commute because the treads are sturdy and non-slippy.

And when a sixteen year old version of me sneers at my big, cozy winter boots (as she shivers in her little sneakers), I will have the last laugh because I will be warm and toasty…and enjoying winter!
In the interest of full disclosure, Trend Watch is written by me; all opinions are my own. It is not sponsored. Sometimes I am given free product to review and sometimes I purchase the products all on my own. These boots were given to me by Cougar, but I was not compensated for my review.