I read a lot of tweets during the day, but I’ve seen a surprising year-end trend: tweets about the teacher. Not so nice tweets. Tweets talking about how glad they are to have their kid out of a teacher’s class, how unhappy they are with exam-writing, how frustrated they are with a parent/teacher meeting, etc… One particular tweet bothered me though- about a teacher “picking” on a child because they told the parent something negative about their child.
So, I want all parents out there to know:
The worst thing about being a teacher is having to tell a parent something negative about their child.
Hands down. I think I can speak for most teachers when I say that I feel sick to my stomach when I have to write a note or have a meeting in regards to anything that might be perceived as negative. What parent wants to hear that?
But, it’s our job. It’s my job to report the good and the not-so-great. If you only heard the good, you wouldn’t have a full picture of the human being your child is becoming- where they might need more direction and where you might want to pull back and let them figure things out on their own.
I feel like I can speak for most teachers when I say that, while I love your child, I am a pair of unbiased eyes. I see a lot more than most parents get the benefit of seeing and part of my job description is to let you know what I see.
Part of our job is also to get through ridiculous amounts of curriculum in not nearly enough time, make learning fun while dealing with mounds of paperwork, somehow make learning interesting while dealing with often stifling parameters, and give one-on-one attention (which all parents demand- and rightfully so) in over crowded classrooms.
I’m not complaining- teaching is an amazing job and most teachers feel lucky that they get to have such an impact on the next generation- but I would love for parents out there to know that most teachers are working their butts off in the classrooms (& most of it won’t ever be seen or recognized by parents or students) and are trying their best to do their job well. I have yet to meet a fellow teacher who is out to “get” students, wants to see students suffer, or is so unreasonable that they deserve being badmouthed in the school yard (not that I don’t believe that they exist- I just haven’t met one).
By and large, most teachers I know can’t stand telling parents anything negative (but have to), hate giving homework (but have to), don’t like year end projects/exams (but have to), and just want to kick back and make learning fun. You might not love your kid’s teacher (personally or professionally) but, perhaps, understanding their job might help you in dealing with them during these last few weeks of school…
hello Sarah, are you a teacher yourself? I have an opportunity to be a full time chinese immersion teacher at an elementary school, if you are a teacher or if you have friends who are, how do you care for their little ones at home as the schedule for being a teacher is pretty demanding and lots of take home work. any input will be greatly appreciated. -jenny
Thank you for a wonderful article. I too am a teacher and also find that one of the more frustrating parts of my job is to talk or write notes to parents regarding behaviours in and out of the classroom. I recently watched a show on CBC television called coddled kids and hyper parenting. It was a doc zone show and believe you can watch it on line if you are interested. I found it very interesting and a little scary at the same time. I hope you enjoy it.
The stress and demands faced by a teacher must be overwhelming at times. I can’t imagine trying to juggle the needs of the students, parents, principle, and curriculum. I’m not sure how you do it. But I am so grateful that you do! Thanks for sharing with us the challenges teachers face.
Preach it! Amen, sister!
Great post, Sarah. I admire all the teachers I know and think they’re doing the most important job out there! Sure there are bad apples out there (pardon the pun), but in my experience other teachers are more disgusted with those individuals than anyone else because they give the rest of the profession a bad name.
Hang in there…just a couple more weeks!
I’m not a teacher, and while I do think teaching is a pretty great job, I also think it has to be an incredibly tough job too!
I’m always impressed with how the teachers can handle so much going on, with so much patience.
what a great post Sarah…nice one!
Well said, Sarah.