We’re having a wee contest today folks.
my reasoning is threefold. a) because i wanted to use the word "wee" – it sure is a great one, isn’t it? b) because i want to give prizes. i like to give them…and people like to get them. c) i love movies, and this one is movie related.
So, i was reading Beth‘s entry about meeting up with another blogger (ha! i posted about the same thing. check it out. and guess the baby. no prizes for that one, since you’ll all most likely get it on your first guess). anyway…where was it…oh, yes…contests. well, the lovely Sarah and the Goon Squad has put up a movie quote contest on her site. you can go off now and play hers first, if you’d like. i’ll wait.
here is how ours will work:
there will be ten quotes (no theme – just totally random) you guess the movie title and who’s saying the quote (ooohh…that makes it tougher). you get ONE guess. on MONDAY morning, whoever has the most answers right will win. and yes, since i’m feeling extra giving…in case of a tie…there will be multiple winners.)
1. "I do not envy you the headache you will have when you awake. But for now, rest well and dream of large women."
2. "A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut without a hole is a danish."
3. "I’m gonna rip the eyes out of your head and piss in your dead skull!"
4. "What are you bitching about? I gotta sleep under a Chinaman named after a duck’s dork."
5. "I find your lack of faith disturbing"
6. "Well color me happy, there’s a sofa in here for two!"
7. "Damn baby! what you do to your hair?"
8. "It’s not that i condone facism. Or any ism for that matter. Isms, in my opinion, are not good. A person should not believe in an ism, he shoudl believe in himself. i quote John Lennon. I don’t believe in Beatles, i just believe in me. Good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus, I’d still have to bum rides off of people."
9. "Everywhere I travel, tiny life. Single-serving sugar, single-serving cream, single pat of butter. The microwave Cordon Bleu hobby kit. Shampoo-conditioner combos, sample-packaged mouthwash, tiny bars of soap. The people I meet on each flight? They’re single-serving friends."
10. "Ah, I like that. I like Tulip. Tulip is much better than mongoloid."
**one more thing. please don’t cheat. takes the fun out of it. don’t google or msn or blingo it, please 🙂 thanks.
Public Service Announcements:
song of the day: A Movie Script Ending by Death Cab for Cutie. This is one of my favorite songs. the accoustic version was in the movie Wicker Park. mmmm….Josh Hartnett. yum. if you haven’t seen the movie, i recommend that too!
is everyone planning to attend The Baby and Toddler Show this weekend?? i highly recommend it! i’m going to be working the urbanmoms booth from 10-2 on Sunday. Stop by and say hi!
so…i did it. i joined 365 days. come check out my pictures. come and join!!
1 – “Princess Bride” – Wesley (Cary Elwes)
6 – “Pretty Woman” – Vivian (Julia Roberts)
7 – “Ghost” – Oda May Brown (Whoopi Goldberg) as a ghost talking to his family
9 – “Fight Club” – Narrator (Edward Norton)
8 is really bugging me…. but that’s all I got.
So, #4 is from Sixteen Candles but don’t remember who said it, and who wouldn’t get #6 – Pretty Woman/Julia Roberts. That’s all I can do without cheating….and you said no cheating! 😉
I only know #6 — Julia Roberts, Pretty Woman. Great lines, though! If I weren’t so darn tired right now, I might get some of em. Or, if I could cheat. Like the cheaty person that I am…. 😉
#6 (Pretty Woman/Julia Robert’s line) b/c I watched that movie like 12 times.
#7 is going to kill me, it’s like on the tip of my tongue, but I don’t remember.
this was fun, I know #1,5,6,8 and that’s it!
4) Sixteen Candles – Mike Baker
5) Star Wars – Darth Vader
Great post. Only know two of them (#1 and #7). Oh well.
1. The Princess Bride (of course, one of my faves and just re-watched it last week with the kids).
6. Pretty Woman (another fave).
Sorry batting – for the others.