We have a great little babysitter who comes to our house to play with my 6-year-old. She is a total social butterfly. Within minutes of meeting her I knew her whole life story and that of her parents. Plus, she thinks I’m cool and I like that 😉 I mean she really thinks I’m cool. How do I know? Because she did her speech in school about me. Also, I found this video when sifting through stuff on Photo Booth. It is an ad by her for urbanmoms.ca. I LOVE it!
Check it out:
Just in case you’re worried, I did get her parent’s permission to post this. It feels good to have a fan!
This is so great!! What a smart and confident girl. I agree with Kath that I hope my little girl has some of that one day. You have a great fan and a good advertiser.
Hey Sherriemae. We still do have the go2guyz and go2kidz but we are not taking new members now as we don’t have the infrastructure to support their growth right now. urbanmoms.ca is taking up all of our time! When we do we’ll be promoting it again in a big way. If you signed up before then you are still in so don’t worry.
hey Jen quick question…i remember at one point there was a sign up for go to kids and go to dads….is there still this program at urban moms…do we need to sign up again..thanks
love it a true fan
Okay. That is THE. BEST. THING. I have ever seen!
She is sooooooo cute and sweet and smart! LOVE! I only hope my daughters grow up to be as neat as this little girl.
True mentorship at work, eh?