Non-Toxic Lice
2 parts olive oil /1 part white vinegar to
equal ½ Cup
20 drops tea tree oil
20 drops lavender essential oil
10 drops rosemary
essential oil
Mix thoroughly
and saturate the hair with solution and cover with bag. Save any left-overs for
the next night. Leave it on overnight, washing it out in the morning. Comb with
a lice comb to be sure to remove nits that may be attached to the hair shafts.
Around the house
and school:
Ø Wash bedding and towels in hot soapy water
and borax, dry at least 20 minutes in a clothes dryer
Ø Daily, mop, vacuum and clean rugs or
simply quarantine them for 10 – 14 days after vacuuming.
Ø Don’t forget to vacuum the car and all
(upholstered) furniture.
Ø Try hand or manual removal of nits using removal
combs, safety scissors, tweezers, scotch tape and a magnifying glass and a
bright light, etc. Then disinfect by soaking these items in boiling water.
Ø Thoroughly check all family.
Ø Each child will be examined before being
allowed in the classroom by someone who is experienced in checking hair for
lice and eggs. This checking should be done using lice sticks (cheap wooden
sticks) a new sticks for every child. Checking each child with your fingers is
a grand way to pass along an adult louse from one child to the next.
Ø Children with lice should be sent home to
be deloused. Children’s clothing (hats, scarves, and coats) should be
separately bagged, not hung side-by-side, using plastic bags, until all
children are clear for at least two weeks.
Victor Ness HD
How ironic that I was called the other day as well – my one daughter’s best friend had it and had passed it along – lovely. Thankfully she only had 2 nits that were removed and I treated her hair immediately. The other children seem to be free – YEAH! Hard to believe that with so many kiddo’s I have only experienced this once! Keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way.
Jen and Christine, may you always be nit-free!
Thanks for the commiseration, Tracey! Your kids have tons of hair too – what a procedure that was. i almost shaved all their head. including mine!
talk about a silver lining! i love your perspective. it’s true – i did kind of enjoy the time. it was rare to be sitting, all five of us, together at 4pm in our living room. we chatted for a few hours and it was peaceful. would have been more fun without the stinky hair treatment, shower caps, latex gloves and bug/nit-filled paper towels!
Ack! Like Christine we have been nit-free but I have lice twice as a kid. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!!
oh Amreen how awful – my head itched reading this.
I hate to jinx myself but we’ve managed to remain nit-free in the 7 yrs we’ve been in the public school system. Should we ever end up on the itchy end of nits I will definitely refer back to this post.
Thanks for the info!
i didn’t stay sane, i was a basket case, vigorously scrubbing every inch of my home till 3am the next day. not a rational response, clearly. everything just felt dirty! a lot of hair in this house, and a lot of combing. and a lot of nausea at the sight of those little buggers. thanks for the support!
Oh honey… it was my kid last year… oy. OY!! I soooo know. I’m soooo sorry!! Ack.
Oh Amreen, sorry you had to deal with this parenting rite of passage. My boys had lice about four years ago and I remember so clearly the feeling of my stomach dropping down when I spied little moving bugs in their hair. As bizarre as this sounds, I do look back with nostalgia on the hours of one-on-one time that I had with each of them as I combed their hair each night. I’d have their undivided attention and we’d talk about the day…that never happens these days. That said, I would not relive the experience for anything and I get a real case of the nerves every time Lice Check comes around at school!
Oh Amreen I feel for you! Two summer ago my girls and I all had lice. It was not a pleasant experience! Wow, I can only imagine how many hours it must have taken you to comb through everyone’s hair. What an ordeal. How were you able to stay sane?
thanks for the support! keep those fingers crossed – hope your girls can steer clear! Ponytails from now on around here!!
ugh. sorry you had to go through this. i haven’t uncrossed my fingers since my girls started school (in kindergarten) and won’t until they’re married. been lucky so far. i’m going to go find some wood to knock! thanks for the recipe, tho’!