One would think that once my house is finally quiet and all my kiddies are sleeping like the little brats angels that they are, I would run upstairs and hop under the covers in my warm snuggly bed.
Not a chance! I don’t think many moms do. We are always the ones to stay up late finishing things. When dad says he is going to bed, he goes to bed – when mom says she’s going to bed, she really means she’s going to empty the dishwasher, wash the baby bottles, do a few loads of laundry, check the children’s knapsacks, make school lunches, and sign any permission forms. Sometimes though, us moms get to do something fun too (insert sarcastic laughter).
Playing Tooth Fairy is something I thought would be great fun. I even purchased sparkly slippers, and a tutu in preparation for my first job…… little did I know that playing Tooth fairy would be so difficult!
First of all there is the endless questions of………
“Why does the Tooth Fairy collect our teeth?”
“What does the Tooth Fairy DO with the teeth?”
“What does the Tooth Fairy DO with the teeth?”
“What does the Tooth fairy look like?”
“Is she a girl or boy?”
“She is so small, so how does she carry the bills?”
“Where does she buy her clothes and wings?”
Aside from the endless questions there is the whole process of having to play Tooth Fairy, when a child loses a tooth. I’m sure you have been through a similar senario.
Most of my children are in bunk beds, and let me tell you – they are the most annoying things to have to deal with in the middle of the night!
I remember one time not that long ago, one of the boys lost a tooth, but I had no idea where he left the tooth. Was it under his pillow? Was in on the ledge of the bed? In a drawer? Well I must have been quite the sight the sight as I climbed up the wobbly ladder (It’s only unstable when I climb it you know), and attempted to maneuver my body in ways that I no longer have any right to do! I’m a short person so I had to lean on the bed as I reached acrossed my innocently sleeping son. My weight pushed the matress down making my son’s body roll towards me. He stirred and mumbled something I couldn’t understand but thankfully didn’t wake up. Not quite sure how I would explain why I was attempting to crawl over his bed!
Finally I saw the tooth in the tiny container he had put it in. He must have left in on the bed ledge, because I saw it on its side on the floor. All my messing around must have knocked it off! I delivered the Tooth Fairy’s package under his pillow and got the hell out of his room!
The worse thing ever though is the look on a childs face when the Tooth Fairy doesn’t deliver! You heard me right – no package from the Tooth Fairy. Ouch.
This bad mommy moment happened the other day.
After waking up, Zachary came downstairs with tears streaming down his face. When I asked him what was wrong he held up his tooth “The Tooth Fairy forgot me…..”
Opps wait….. bad bad mommy.
I gave him a hug and told him not to worry. Mommy would find out what was going on! I assured him that surely she left something and maybe he just didn’t see it because he has so many stuffies covering his bed. (Yes! Score one for quick thinking mommy!)
I told him to go to the kitchen and start on breakfast while I went to investigate.
I ran upstairs and started looking under his pillows, stuffies, and blankies, and when the moment struck I delivered the package! Score two for mommy.
Excited (because I had just executed extreme damage control) I called Zachary up to his room.
“Look sweetie! Here it is! See she didn’t forget you, it was under your ladybug stuffie!”
Zachary’s tears dried and his face lit up.
“Thanks for finding it mom! I thought maybe she didn’t like me…..”
I gave him kiss and told him the Tooth Fairy loves everyone.
Has the Tooth Fairy ever been naughty in your house?
Until next time,
good thinking. i’ll have to remember that when i become the bad mom. hasn’t happened yet but there’s always time!
ohhhh, yes, we have forgotten before. I basically did a variant on what you did, except convinced her that the tooth fairy couldn’t find stuff on her messy night table and she’d better clean it off and leave it out for her the next night.
Of course, then there was the one time that mr. tried to do it instead of me, and she caught him in the act. now it’s my job, as I’m lighter of foot, and she needs to put the tooth in the tooth box on her night table.
I think we are out of excuses at this point, though, so we’d better never forget it again!
Once I forgot, and thankfully the next morning I remembered before the kid, so I went in and stuck it under and then told him to go check.
My middle is losing his now and he sleeps very lightly, not like his brother who I’ve been known to pick up and move to various rooms without him waking. The first tooth was just lost my the boy who wakes when I open his door. So I wasn’t sure what to do.
He had a cough attack, so I brought him in his water, and while he was drinking his water, I stole the tooth, and left the coin. Took his water and left. The next day he told me all about how the tooth fairy came while he was sleeping.