We had heard horror stories about the line-up for the “good” Santa at a mall near us (good= real beard, real chubby belly, real twinkle in the eye). Most people I knew waited about 2 hours to see Santa, and I KNEW The Boy was not going to put up with that. Because there would be other kids and grown-ups around to entertain him, and because he now feeds himself snacks (well, it’s more like jams as many stars into his mouth as he can before you take them away from him), we figured we could get a happy 45 minutes out of him before he would start to get miserable about being stuck in a line-up.
We made it to the mall before the 10am Santa arrival and were lucky enough to only have a handful of people in line before us. Plenty of bleary-eyed parents trying to amuse their children. Plenty of toddlers running around trying to drive their parents mad! One especially cute toddler had taken his mom’s Visa and was “swiping” it on anything he could find. Teach ’em young, right?
As the moment arrived for The Boy to sit on Santa’s knee, we actually felt nervous. Almost every child in front of him had cried. There were three children behind us in line that were already crying and they hadn’t been on his knee yet. We kept reminding ourselves that it was “just for the experience…just for the experience”.
Santa called us over, I gingerly placed the Boy on his knee. He tugged his beard a bit (just to make sure it was real, I assume), took a good look around to see who was admiring him, heard a saucy elf wearing black lace (?) jingling some sleigh bells, stared straight at his daddy and mommy who were dancing around and clapping like fools and gave us the BIGGEST smile!
That’s an awesome photo, what a nice keepsake. Our kids haven’t made the journey to Santa’s lap yet, both of them are extremely wary of strangers. DD would cry and DS would just plain scream, what a memory that would be!!! Perhaps when they are a little older!
The part about the Boy not crying when placed on Santa’s lap accurately describes our first experience with the man in red from LAST year. The part about the kids freaking out when placed on Santa’s lap accurately describes our experience THIS year with the man in red.
$12 well spent, I guess?
Merry Christmas!