Right around the beginning of spring I had mentioned to the in-laws that I would love to build a little sandbox around the oak tree in the corner of our backyard. They said it would be fairly easy to do.
I hadn’t thought much about it after that until about a week ago when Cam came home and told me that he had spent the afternoon playing in his friends sandbox, making jumps and mini tracks for their little toy dirt bikes.
I mentioned again last week that I would get Sean to build one.
They know Sean as well as I do. They know his handyman skills are …well…shite.
This past Saturday I sent Sean to Home Hardware for the lumber.
This past Saturday I sent Sean to Home Hardware for the lumber.
His parents arrived with their tools and as Sean and I sat watching from our patio table, shaded from the blazing sun – they turned this:

The 18 bags of sand we bought didn’t quite fill up the box as we thought it would. I think we’ll get a load delivered. In any case, the shallow sand didn’t keep the kids out.
And just as I thought – the first one in the sandbox was the oldest. Cam and his buddy got right into it.

I love that our little oak tree keeps them shaded all day.
I love that a simple sandbox can keep them busy for ages.
I love that my 10yr old was the most excited about it.
I love that it was built just in time for summer vacation.
I love that a simple sandbox can keep them busy for ages.
I love that my 10yr old was the most excited about it.
I love that it was built just in time for summer vacation.
I love that their Gramma and Grampa built it for them.
Lee Valley has a cool cat “stop”. Can’t wait to build some forts there this summer.
it is the simplest things isn’t it?I like the idea of putting as many things in place to keep the oldest young. The sandbox is just perfect, Christine.
awesome job from heidi and terry, am sure the kids love it!
dad oxoxoxo
What do they charge???? Looks SO awesome!
How awesome! I love it, Christine!! How perfect…
Summer is awesome! and so are sandboxes.
Oh Christine, I love this so much! For all the reasons you listed, it is so special. I love that it takes so little right now to make our kids SO EXCITED. I feel the same way about our little wading pool that we pull out every afternoon. the kids see it and squeal with joy, as if i’d taken them to some swanky pool party. You’ve inspired me with the sandbox….looking around to see where i could put one in!